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《灵界经历》 第5854节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5854

5854. in and imparts good and truth. But it was said that they do not know that the operation of saving a person through the inflow of good and truth is going on constantly in the world, and after this to eternity; and that the evil can never be saved, because it is contrary to the Divine order. They were also asked what they now believe about the holy spirit since they are in the other life where they can be taught about this. They said that they now know that it is the Divine in heaven, which must be called holy because it is imparted to angels. On this account it was said to them that since they know that the holy spirit proceeds from the Lord, do they not believe that this Divine [also] proceeds from the Lord, do they not believe that this is from the creed? But although they could not deny this, still they did not want to do so, because they had taken all power away from the Lord.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5854

5854. They said that the Divine then inflows and instills good and truth; but I told them that they are not aware that the operation of saving man by the influx of good and truth goes on continually in the world and afterwards to eternity, and that an evil man cannot by any means be saved, because that is contrary to Divine order. They were also asked what they now believe about the Holy Spirit, since they are in another life, where they can be instructed respecting it. They said that they now know that it is the Divine in heaven, and that it must be pronounced [to be] the holiness which is imparted to the angels. It was, therefore, demanded of them, whether, since they know that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Lord, they did not thence believe that that Divine proceeds from the Lord; and it was pointed out that this is according to the Creed. But, although they were unable to deny this, still they would not agree to it, because they have robbed the Lord of all power.

Experientiae Spirituales 5854 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5854. fluat, et indat bonum et verum, sed dictum quod non sciant quod operatio salvandi hominem per influxum boni et veri persistat continue in mundo, et postea in aeternum; et quod malus nequaquam salvari possit, quia contra ordinem Divinum. Interrogati etiam quid nunc credunt de spiritu sancto, quia in altera vita sunt, ubi de eo informari possunt, dixerunt quod nunc sciant quod sit Divinum in coelo, quod dicendum sanctum quod infunditur angelis, quare dictum eis, quia sciunt quod spiritus sanctus procedit ex Domino, annon inde credent quod id Divinum procedat ex Domino, quod id sit ex fide symbolica, sed tametsi id non possent negare, usque non voluerunt, quia Domino omnem potestatem derogaverunt.

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