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《灵界经历》 第5853节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5853

5853. Further, I said, was not the power they claimed for themselves the Divine power, and besides, why did they say the Father gave His Human that power when nonetheless the Divine the Lord possessed was similar to the Divine of the Father? For according to this faith, just as the Father is eternal, infinite, uncreate, omnipotent, God and Lord, so the Lord is also, on which account they do not say that this power is from Him; to which, among many similar questions they were unable to give any answer. It was also said earlier that this power is Divine, because to save a person is Divine, for the operation of the Divine with a person is the inflow of good and truth, through which there is salvation. They said that then the Lord flows

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5853

5853. Furthermore, [I asked] whether the power they arrogated to themselves was not Divine power; and, moreover, why they say that the Father gave that power to His Human, when, nevertheless, the Divine in the Lord was like the Father's Divine - for, according to the same Creed, just as the Father is Eternal, Infinite, Uncreate, Omnipotent, God and Lord, so is the Lord; also, why they do not say that that power is from Him; and many similar things, to which they were unable to answer anything. That that power is Divine, was also stated before; for to save man is Divine, for the operation of the Divine with man is the influx of good and truth through which is salvation.

Experientiae Spirituales 5853 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5853. spondere; amplius nonne potestas quam sibi arrogaverunt, fuerit potestas Divina; et porro, cur dicunt quod Pater dederit Humano Ipsius illam potestatem, cum tamen Domino Divinum fuerit simile Divino Patris, nam secundum eandem fidem, sicut Pater est aeternus, infinitus, increatus, omnipotens, Deus, Dominus, ita Dominus, quare non dicunt quod potestas illa sit ab Ipso, ex similia plura, ad quae nihil respondere potuerunt. Quod potestas illa sit Divina, etiam prius dictum est, nam salvare hominem, est Divinum, nam operatio Divini apud hominem est influxus boni et veri, per quem salvatio; dixerunt quod tunc Divinum in

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