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《灵界经历》 第5859节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5859

5859. who practiced that art so that they were able not only to render themselves invisible but also make it so that no one would know where they were in this or that quarter, thinking that thus they would be safe, and would be able to commit any crime whatsoever without ever being discovered. The former and the latter had communication with certain ones in the mountains toward the front, and all who acted in unity with them were hurled into hells. There was a plan between them that when there were enough like themselves to enable them to make the attempt, they wanted to destroy everything, which also they admitted.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5859

5859. Among these, also, were some who were so expert in that art, that they were able not only to render themselves invisible, but also to bring it to pass that no one could tell where they were, whether in this quarter or in that. They supposed they would thus be secure, and that they could commit every crime without the possibility of discovery. Both the former and the latter communicated with some in the mountains at the front; and all who made one with them were cast into hells. There was, amongst these, a plot, that, when there was a sufficiently great multitude of those like themselves for them to make the attempt, they intended to destroy all things; - this, also, they confessed.

Experientiae Spirituales 5859 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5859. qui illam artem callebant, ut possent non modo se sistere inconspicuos, sed etiam facere ut non aliquis sciret ubinam essent, in hac aut illa plaga, sic putantes fore tutos, ac potuisse omne nefas facere praeter quod 1

possent usquam detegi: illi et hi communicabant cum quibusdam in montibus anterioribus; et omnes qui unum cum illis faciebant conjecti sunt in inferna. Inter illos consilium fuit, quod cum tanta multitudo similium esset, ut possent tentare, destruere vellent omnia; quod etiam illi fassi.


1. = absque quod (vide annotationem ad [292a])

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