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《灵界经历》 第5860节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5860

5860. They were preserved for the purpose of serving as means by which all in the Christian world who could make themselves unnoticeable would be exposed, for they are exposed by spirits like this. For there were also those in the Christian world among the Reformed who, using their own mode of approach, made their way up into societies where good Reformed were and there hid themselves by making themselves unnoticeable as soon as they saw anyone, so that those who were in the society would not know that they were there. These, because they had communication with those dreadful Babylonians, were all exposed and thrown down from societies on every side. They were from many societies that looked westward. The tricks by which they made themselves unnoticeable were not discovered. It was a personal trick that could not be learned other than by certain ones who had thought up various tricks in the world; others were unable to make themselves be like this.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5860

5860. These were preserved, to the end that, through them, all in the Christian world also who were able to render themselves invisible might be discovered; for, through such ones, they are found out. For there were, in the Christian world, among the Reformed, some who ascended by avenues known only to themselves, into societies where the good Reformed were; and there, as soon as they saw any, they hid themselves, by [making themselves] invisible, so that those who were in the society did not know that they were there. Since these had communication with those Babylonish wretches, they were all discovered, and cast down out of the societies from every direction: they belonged to many societies which looked westward. That art of theirs, by which they rendered themselves invisible, was found out: it was a unique art, which could not be learned, save by some who had contrived various schemes in the world: others were not able to render themselves such.

Experientiae Spirituales 5860 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5860. Conservati sunt illi ob finem, ut per illos detegerentur omnes etiam in Christiano orbe, qui se inconspicuos facere possent, nam per tales deteguntur, erant enim in Christiano orbe inter reformatos qui per peculiares aditus ascenderunt in societates ubi reformati boni, et ibi se abscondebant per quod inconspicuos [se fecerunt], ut primum aliquos viderent, sic ut nescirent illi qui in societate, quod ibi essent; illi quia communicationem habebant cum nefandis illis Babylonicis detecti sunt omnes, et dejecti sunt e societatibus ab undequaque, erant ex pluribus societatibus quae spectabant occidentem; ars non detecta qua fecerunt se inconspicuos, erat peculiaris ars, quae non disci potuit quam a quibusdam qui in mundo excogitaverunt varias artes; caeteri non potuerant se tales reddere.

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