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《灵界经历》 第5863节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5863

5863. There was a certain one who appeared at the left, in the plane of the sole of the foot, whom I thought to be Vice-president Rosenstolpe 1. I spoke with him about various things, about the Lord and about other matters. He took in everything avidly, as if he were a good Christian. Everyone who heard him supposed that he was such; from his carriage and conduct he appeared no different. But it was noticed that he was a crafty hypocrite, because he produced pain in the teeth and temple and worked somewhat from beneath the feet toward the genitals. Nonetheless he conducted himself in such a manner that he was believed to be a good Christian. When these things had passed, he then said that he did not believe they had happened. Therefore he was told that he should go there and see. He went even into a dark corner near the Sicilians, a little in front, and there sat on a chair and spoke with what remained of the most malicious there. From the way he spoke,


1. Johan Rosenstolpe (1668ֱ758) was a vice president of the supreme court of Sweden.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5863

5863. There was a certain one who appeared at the left, in the plane of the sole of the foot, whom I believed to be Vice-president Rosenstolpe. I conversed with him on various subjects, about the Lord and on other matters. He embraced all things, as though he were a good Christian: all who heard him supposed that he was such; from his gait and the paths he traversed, nothing else was apparent. It turned out, however, that he was a hypocrite and crafty; for he produced pain in the teeth and temple, and operated under the feet, somewhat towards the genitals; but, still, he so bore himself that he was believed to be a good Christian. When those things 1were accomplished, he declared that he did not believe that they had occurred. He was, therefore, told to go thither and see and he went to the dark angle beside the Sicilians, a little to the front, and there sat upon a seat and talked with those of the most wicked who remained there.


1. i.e., the thing related in the immediately preceding paragraphs. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 5863 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5863. Erat quidam qui apparebat a sinistro in plano plantae pedis, quem putabam esse vicepraes. Rosenstolpe, loquutus cum illo de variis, de Domino, et de aliis, is arripiebat omnia sicut esset bonus Christianus, putabant omnes qui illum audiebant, quod talis esset; ex ambulationibus ejus et viis non aliud apparebat, sed animadversum quod esset hypocrita ei astuosus, nam dolorem dentibus et tempori incutiebat, et sub pedes versus genitalia paulum operabatur, sed usque ita se gerebat, ut crederetur esse bonus Christianus. Quando illa peracta sunt, tunc dicebat se non credere quod illa evenisse, quare dictum ei est ut illuc iret et videret, ivit etiam in obscurum angulum prope ad Sicilienses antea paulum, et ibi sedebat super sella, et loquutus cum residuis ex malitiosissimis ibi, per quam loquelam

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