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《灵界经历》 第5864节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5864

5864. his nature was revealed, namely that he was an extremely malicious spy, that he had counseled with them as to how they might attack when the time was right, that he then, in so far as he was not openly seen, directed [the attack], and that he also directed what happened around the ear, besides many other things. So it was revealed that although he appeared to be such, that is to say, appeared to conduct himself like a Christian, nevertheless he was a very sly spy, and a plotter too, on which account those who were there obeyed him. Those who were left were then gathered to him, up to several hundred, and after they were assembled, they were told to go away, and they stretched straight along a northern line into the west beyond the Sicilians, and there they went into a very dark cave stretching under the north, and on the way they were stripped of every one of their tricks. While this was going on, that nefarious spy told them not to go to that place but to another. But they replied that they certainly could, but yet still could not, because they wanted to go to that place and could never stop their advance, which surprised him because it was contrary to his belief. He saw everyone going in there.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5864

5864. By this conversation it was discovered what sort he was, namely, that he was a most wicked spy, in that he plotted with them in what way they might assail, when the time should be favorable and that he should not be so much as seen: he should direct; and, also, that he had directed that which was done around [my] ear: besides many other things. It was thus discovered, that, although he appeared such, or was able to bear himself like a Christian, he was still a most crafty spy, and also plotter, whom, for that reason, those there obeyed. Those who remained were then gathered to him, to the number of several hundreds; and, after they were assembled, they were told to go away; and then they proceeded to the right along the northern line, into the west, beyond the Sicilians, and there entered into a most dark cavern, stretching under the north, and on the way were deprived of all their art. In the meantime, that execrable spy told them not to go thither, but somewhere else; but they replied that they could indeed, but that still they could not, inasmuch as they wished [to go] thither, and that they were totally unable to arrest their steps; at which he marveled, because it was contrary to his belief. He saw all those who entered that place.

Experientiae Spirituales 5864 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5864. detectus est qualis erat, quod nempe explorator malitiosissimus, quod consultaverit cum illis, quomodo aggrederentur cum opportunum tempus esset, et quod is tunc quantum non manifestaretur, dirigeret, et quod etiam direxerit illud quod factum circum aurem, praeter plura, sic detectum quod tametsi talis apparuit, seu se posset gerere sicut Christianum usque astuosissimus explorator esset, et quoque machinator, cui ideo illi ibi obediebant; tunc collecti sunt ad illum residui ad aliquot centena, et postquam collecti sunt, dictum eis ut abirent, et tunc recta tendebant juxta lineam septentrionalem in occidentem ultra Sicilianos, et ibi intrabant in obscurissimam cavernam tendentem sub septentrionem, et in via deprivati omni arte sua; interea alloquebatur illos ille nefandus explorator, ut non illuc irent, sed alio, sed respondebant quod quidem possent, sed usque quod non possent quia volebant illuc, et quod sistere gradum nequaquam possent, quod ille miratus quia contra ejus fidem. Vidit omnes illuc intrantes.

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