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《灵界经历》 第5867节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5867

5867. About Conrad Ribbing 1

Nothing was heard about him for a while, but at length he was brought and let into the state of his inner parts, and so into the delight of giving advice about how evils should be plotted, which he did so dexterously that scarcely anyone else could have done it more dexterously. All those in the western quarter who were like this flowed into his delight; moreover they also came from both the well-known and unknown in the Christian world, on the lower level and on the higher. And he did this in secret and set it up in such a fashion that all the ways of approach were occupied, so that the path of inflow from the Lord was blocked, even from the supreme [Divine]. For almost two hours he held my thought bound in atrocious adultery, which also surreptitiously was arranged with abominable ingenuity by a vulgar woman using a doll. But step - by-step I was at length freed by the Lord; and President Ribbing, first thrown deeply into hell and then released, was brought to a hell of stupid spirits where Lagerberg 2is in the northwestern corner. From this it is evident that the kind of people who without fear of the Divine attempt evils in secret and take pleasure in being more intelligent than others in such matters become more stupid than others.


1. Baron Conrad Ribbing, President of the College Mines, 1729ֱ736.

2. See footnoted information regarding him in paragraph 4683.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5867


For a time nothing was heard of him; but at length he was brought out and let into his interiors, and thus into the delight of counseling how evils may be brought about; which he did so cleverly that scarcely anyone else could do it more cleverly. Into this delight of his, there inflowed all who were in like [delight] in the western quarter, and also some of the celebrated and the obscure in the Christian globe, below and above. He did this also in secret, and so contrived things that all approaches were seized, so that the channel of the influx from the Lord was obstructed, even from the highest [plane]. He held my thought bound, for nearly two hours, in atrocious adultery; which, also, was contrived clandestinely, with abominable art, by means of a puppet from a female profaner. But I was, at length, gradually liberated by the Lord, and the leader, Ribbing, was first cast deeply into a hell, and, being afterwards taken out, was brought to the hell of the stupid, where Lagerberg is, in the angle of the north and west. Hence was manifested, that such as attempt evils in secret, without fear on account of the Divine, and delight in the possession of a keener understanding than others in such things, become more stupid than others.

Experientiae Spirituales 5867 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5867. De Conrad Ribbing

De illo nihil auditum per tempus, sed tandem perductus et missus in interiora sua, et sic in jucundum consilia dandi quomodo molienda sunt mala, quod tam dextre fecit, ut vix alter dexterius, in jucundum ejus influebant omnes qui in tali erant in occidentali plaga, tum quoque qui ex notis et ignotis in Christiano orbe, infra et supra, et hoc fecit in occulto, et ita instituit, ut omnes aditus occuparentur, sic ut praestructa esset via influxus a Domino, etiam a supremo, tenebat cogitationem meam ligatam per bihorium fere in nefando adulterio, quod etiam subter nefanda arte paratum erat per pupam a prophana, sed tandem a Domino liberatus successive, et antesignanus Ribbing primum conjectus in infernum profunde, et dein exemtus perducetur ad infernum stupidorum ubi Lagerberg in angulo septentrionis et occidentis; inde patuit quod tales, qui absque timore pro Divino moliuntur mala in clandestino, et gaudent intellectu in talibus prae aliis, quod stupidiores aliis fiant.

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