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《灵界经历》 第5869节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5869

5869. 1Those who are on a higher level give light to those on a lower when they are in agreement

It has been observed several times that evil spirits who are below see all the approaches to others and in every direction as clearly as in daylight, which is why they know how to block the approaches and take possession of the mind, and plot atrocious actions. They have that light from nowhere else than from those who are above, high up, and who look all around, namely those who are high up in the Christian world where there is light. From there these see all the approaches, and when they look on those who are evil and take delight in what is being done by evil spirits, their vision is communicated to the evil spirits, and the evil spirits see everything roundabout equally as well as they do. Spirits like this who take a delight in controlling others are high up. They are of various character. Their lust shows itself to the degree they look downwards and all around from on high. Those who are below are unable to see anything around themselves, only ahead, as happens with people on earth, then they see [only] where they are going. It is otherwise when spirits like this are above, among whom delights are shared.


1. Paragraph 5868 is missing in the original manuscript.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5869


It was observed, at different times, that the evil who are below, see clearly, as in light, all the approaches to others, and in every direction; whence they know how to obstruct the passages and to obsess, and how to plot abominations. That light they have from no other source than from those who are above, or on high, and look roundabout; namely, those who are on high within the Christian globe, where there is light. These, from where they are, see all the approaches; and, when they look toward the evil, and experience delight in that which is done by the evil, then their sight is communicated to the evil, and the evil see all things roundabout as plainly as they do. Such ones are on high as are possessed of the delight of ruling over others. They are of various dispositions; and their lust shows itself, so far as they look downwards and roundabout, from on high. Those who are beneath, can see nothing around them, only in front, as occurs with men on earth then, they see only where they go. It is otherwise when such ones are above as [their] delights have communication with.


1. No. 5868 is missed in the Latin. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 5869 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5869. 1

Quod qui supra sunt, lucem dent illis qui infra, cum concordant

Aliquoties observatum est, quod mali qui infra videant clare sicut in luce omnes aditus ad alios, et quaquaversum, unde sciunt praestruere vias, et obsidere, et moliri nefanda, lucem illam non habent aliunde, quam ab illis qui supra seu in alto sunt, et spectant circum circa, nempe qui in alto intra orbem Christianum ubi lux, illi vident inde omnes aditus, et cum spectant ad malos, et jucundum habent in eo quod a malis fit, tunc communicatur malis visus illorum, et mali vident omnia circumcirca aeque ac illi, tales sunt in alto quibus jucundum est regere alios, qui ex varia indole sunt, eorum cupido se prodit, quantum spectant deorsum et circumcirca ab alto. Illi qui infra sunt, circum se nihil possunt videre, modo obvia, ut fit in tellure ab hominibus, tunc quo vadunt vident, aliter cum tales supra sunt, cum quibus jucunda communicantur.


1. 5868 deest

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