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《灵界经历》 第5870节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5870

5870. About Lang

Denying the Divine, he convinced himself in the favor of nature more than others did. He showed himself to be so hard that he totally rejected everything Divine. But because he saw he was in the other life, and that those can come into heaven who acknowledged the Divine, he began to listen to such things as pertain to the Church and to learn them. He then appeared to be pulling an ordinary sleigh behind him. But after some time, when he was nearly purged, he again began to listen to the truths pertaining to the church, thinking that in this way he would become better. But then such a sleigh with a devil sitting in it appeared, and the moment he wanted to toss the devil out of it, the devil looked like he wanted to swallow up his face; therefore, terrified, he ran. But the sleigh with the devil followed after him, so that he could not get away until he rejected those truths. And in the end he was chased by the devil like an animal into the hell in the northwestern corner, and he became stupid.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5870

5870. LANG.

He had confirmed himself in favor of nature by denial of the Divine, beyond others. He appeared so hard as entirely to bend back everything Divine; but, inasmuch as he realized that he was in the other life, and that they who acknowledged the Divine were able to come into heaven, he therefore began to listen to, and learn, such things as are of the Church. He then appeared to be drawing a common truck behind him. After a time, however, when he was almost vastated he again began to listen to the truths which are of the Church supposing that he would thus become better. But there then appeared such a truck with a devil sitting in it; and, when he wished to turn him out of it, it seemed that the devil wanted to swallow up his face: wherefore, being terrified, he fled away. But the truck with the devil in it followed, so that he did not escape until he rejected those truths; and he was at length driven like a beast, by the devil, into the hell in the angle of the north and west, and became stupid.

Experientiae Spirituales 5870 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5870. De Lang

Is se confirmaverat prae aliis pro natura negando Divinum, apparebat ita durus ut prorsus reflecterat omne Divinum, sed quia appercepit quod in altera vita esset, et venire possent in coelum qui Divinum agnoscebant, ideo incepit audire talia quae Ecclesiae sunt, et discere, tunc apparebat vilem traham ducere post se, sed post tempus cum prope vastatus est, iterum incepit audire vera quae Ecclesiae, putans sic quod melioresceret, sed tunc apparebat talis traha cum diabolo insidente, quem cum vellet inde ejicere, diabolus visus velle faciem ejus deglutire, quare absterritus cucurrit, sed traha cum diabolo sequebatur, sic ut non aufugeret, priusquam rejicerat illa vera, et demum actus a diabolo illo sicut bestia in infernum in angulo septentrionis et occidentis, et stupidus factus.

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