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《灵界经历》 第5875节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5875

5875. In addition to this, for a long time those who were able to hide their inward qualities and present themselves as being good were taken into societies, but the societies were continually cleansed from spirits like this. They discovered them in many ways. They were detected particularly by the fact they wanted to look down on lower things either outside a society or within a society or by looking around within the society. All these were separated and thrown down. They were detected in various ways, about which much can be said, and were thrown down, either in a moment by turning to their own loves, which were purged, or by being commanded to leave, and in these ways brought down to their own places.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5875

5875. Moreover, for a long time such ones as were able to conceal their interiors and make themselves appear good, were admitted into societies; but societies were continually purged from such. They were found out in many ways; especially were they detected by their wanting to look down into the places below, outside a society, or by peering about inside a society: these were all separated and cast down. They were detected in different ways, respecting which much can be said, and cast down; either in an instant, by being turned to their own loves - those treated thus are vastated - or, by being commanded to go away; and they are thus brought down to their own places.

Experientiae Spirituales 5875 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5875. Praeterea recepti sunt diu tales in societates qui abscondere interiora sua potuerunt, et se sistere bonos, sed societates a talibus continue purificatae sunt, inventi multis modis, imprimis detecti per id quod despicere vellent in inferiora sive extra societatem sive intra societatem sive intra societatem transspiciendo, illi omnes separati et dejecti, detecti variis modis, de quibus multa dici possunt, et dejecti vel momento per conversionem ad suos amores, qui vastati, vel per mandatum ut abirent, et sic deducti ad sua loca.

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