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《灵界经历》 第5885节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5885

5885. This happened also with a certain very wicked devil who attracted a multitude to himself, and they did not look into whether or not he was a devil. They were shown he was a devil, but when he spoke with a sincere tone they still stuck with him.

Another one was able to draw [people to himself] using pretended feelings, Er[ik] Benzelius 1. Another could do the same using sincere words and sincere face, as Falker did.

But all these were separated from the rest and transferred to a place where they would learn not to bring help to devils. They were, however, for the most part idle individuals who took no pleasure in work of any kind.


1. Erik Benzelius the Elder (1632ֱ709), Swedish theologian and Archbishop of Uppsala.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5885

5885. The like occurred with a certain exceedingly bad devil, who drew a multitude after him; nor did they question whether he were a devil, or not. It was shown them that he was a devil; but, when he spoke in a sincere tone, they still adhered to him.

Another one - Eric Benzelius - was able to attract through simulated affections; another, by honest words and a sincere countenance, - for example, Falker.

But all these were separated from the rest and transferred where they might learn not to render aid to devils. They were, however, for the most part, lazy ones who took no pleasure in any kind of work.

Experientiae Spirituales 5885 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5885. Similiter factum est cum aliquo pessimo diabolo qui ad se attraxit multitudinem; nec inquisiverunt an esset diabolus vel non, ostensus est eis quod esset diabolus, sed usque adhaerebant cum sincero tono loquutus est.

Alius potuit per simulatas affectiones attrahere, Er. Benzelius. Alius per sincera verba et sinceram faciem, ut Falker.

Sed omnes illi separati sunt a reliquis, et illuc translati ubi discerent non opem ferre diabolis; erant tamen plerique otiosi qui non delectabantur aliquo opere.

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