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《灵界经历》 第5886节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5886

5886. About the Moravians

The Moravians appear to the left near the sole of the foot, and also above the head those who act as one with them. These fancy themselves to be in heaven when they are in a high place, on which account they struggle upwards by means of fantasies. They were thought to be almost Socinians because they have no idea of the Divine, but only of the Human aspect of the Lord, believing that God the Father acknowledged Him as His Son and called Him such because He took upon Himself saving the human race by the passion of the Cross. Because this was made known they were angry and united together

[5886] 1/2. with evil [spirits] who wished to harm me. I spoke with them afterwards saying that they should not do so, but in vain. For this reason those above were thrown into the north so that they might form a certain community there in the middle, thus remote from the Christian world. Those who were below were led there too, but when they were there they still did not want to stop, but together with certain ones above stirred up the Babylonians to inflict harm from behind, and therefore they were led down further from there to the northern quarter and there led into a cave that stretched obliquely under the west, to keep them from further injuring others who do not feel the same as they as regards religion.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5886


The Moravians appear at the left, near the sole of the foot, and also, above the head, those who act with them. The latter suppose, that, when on high, they are in heaven; for which reason, they push their way thither, by phantasies. Regarding the former, it was believed that they were almost Socinians, since they have not any idea of the Divine respecting the Lord, but only of the Human: that God the Father acknowledged Him as His Son, and called Him so, because He took upon Himself to save the human race by the passion of the cross. Because this was discovered, they were enraged, and made common cause with the evil who desired to inflict injury upon me.

5886a. I afterwards told them, that they ought not to do so, but to no purpose; wherefore, those above were cast into the north, in order that they might there form a certain society in the midst in that part, thus at a distance from the Christian globe. Those who were below, were likewise conducted thither. But, when they were there, they were, even then, not willing to desist, but, together with certain ones remaining above, incited the Babylonians to inflict injury at the back. They were, therefore, taken thence farther away to the northern angle, and there dispatched into a cavern which stretched obliquely under the west, so that they should not any longer harm others who did not agree with them as regards religion.

Experientiae Spirituales 5886 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5886. De Moravianis

Apparent Moraviani ad sinistrum juxta plantam pedis, et quoque supra caput illi qui unum agunt, hi putant esse in coelo cum in alto, quapropter per phantasias illuc enituntur; cogitabatur de illis quod fere Sociniani essent, quia de Domino non habent aliquam ideam Divini, sed solum Humani, quod Deus Pater Ipsum agnoverit pro suo Filio et ita appellaverit Ipsum, quia suscepit in se salvare genus humanum per passionem crucis, quod quia detectum erat, exasperati sunt, et unum fecerunt cum

[5[886] 1/2. malis, qui mihi damnosum inferre vellent, loquutus postea cum illis quod non ita faciendum, sed incassum, quare illi supra conjecti sunt in septentrionem, ut ibi aliquam societatem formarent, in medio ibi, ita remote ab orbe Christiano, illuc deducti quoque sunt illi qui infra, sed cum ibi erant, necdum quiescere volebant, sed una cum quibusdam relictis supra excitabant Babylonicos ut malum a tergo inferrent ideo deducti inde remotius angulum septentrionis ibi immissi in cavernam, quae oblique tendebat sub occidentem, ne amplius laederent alios qui non quoad religionem simile sentirent cum illis.

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