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《灵界经历》 第5897节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5897

5897. A spirit cannot desist from doing what his love directs

A certain one who longed for revenge and was steeped in self-love had devised many plots for destroying those whom the Lord protected. His efforts were multitudinous. Afterwards other spirits spoke with him, asking why he had done this. He said he was unable to do otherwise because his thought was on revenge. They asked why he had not considered the outcome. He said that the desire had taken away that thought so that it was rejected as if of itself, besides many other like things. From this it was noticed that he thought as he had when left to himself in the world, and if outer bonds had not repressed it there, he would have done the same because now he did not think about his position and its loss, because he did not recall it, but thought only about revenge and about the possibility he had of rousing many to give assistance and using tricks reach the goal. This was also Jacob Benzelius.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5897


A certain one who was in the lust of revenge and in self-love, plotted many things for destroying those whom the Lord protected. His attempts were numerous. Other spirits afterwards spoke to him, asking why he did so. He said that he could not help it, because he was in the thought of revenge. They asked why he did not think of the consequence. He said that the lust carried away the thought of that, so that it was swept aside as it were of itself: besides many similar things. It was hence observed that he thought as he did when he had been left to himself in the world, and but that external bonds had there restrained him, he would [then] have acted similarly; for he did not now think of his position and the loss of it, for he had no recollection of that, but only of revenge and of the possibility which there was, through his being able to summon many to his assistance, and through arts, of accomplishing his purpose. This also was Jacob Benzelius.

Experientiae Spirituales 5897 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5897. Quod spiritus desistere nequeat a faciendo quod amor ejus ducit

Quidam, qui vindictae cupidus erat, et in amore sui, plura machinatus est ad perdendum illos, quos Dominus tutatus, molimina ejus erant plura, postea loquuti sunt cum illo alii spiritus, dicendo, cur ita fecit, dixit quod non potuit aliter, quia in cogitatione vindictae erat; dixerunt cur non cogitaverit de eventu, dixit quod cupiditas abstulerit illam cogitationem, sic ut rejiceretur sicut a se, praeter plura similia, inde animadversum quod cogitaverit sicut cum sibi relictus fuit in mundo, et nisi ibi vincula externa coercuissent, quod simile fecisset, non enim nunc cogitavit de functione, et ejus jactura, quia non ejus recordatus, sed solum de vindicta, et de possibilitate quae ei erat per quod excitare posset multos in opem, et per artes venire ad effectum. Erat etiam Jacob Benzelius.

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