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《灵界经历》 第5898节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5898

5898. The aura of the Lord's Divine

There were many at the back who made a league together for the purpose of destroying those whom the Lord protected, there were many leagues, and they also began to attack. But then it was noticed that those whom the Lord protected were surrounded by an aura of the Lord's Divine [Essence]. This aura rolled out toward those who attacked, and some dared to go in but were instantly struck in their heart with such anxious fear that they became like those who struggle in mortal agony, some throwing themselves on the ground writhing like snakes. I heard them crying that they will never do such things. A certain one rolled along over a long stretch toward a hell in the west and threw himself down to a great depth. Lars Benzelst[ierna] 1.


1. See footnoted information on him in passage 4851.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5898


At the back were many who leagued themselves together to destroy those whom the Lord protected. There were many of these leagues. They began, moreover, to assail [their victims]; but it was immediately noticed that those whom the Lord protected were engirded by the sphere of the Lord's Divine. That sphere unfolded itself towards those who assailed, and some ventured to enter it; but they were, thereupon, instantly penetrated with such anxiety of heart that they became like those who struggle in agony, some, throwing themselves down on the ground, writhed like serpents: I heard them crying out that they would never do such things again. A certain one - Lars Benzelstjerna - rolled himself along by a long course towards a hell in the west, and plunged himself deeply in.

Experientiae Spirituales 5898 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5898. Sphaera Divini Domini

Erant a tergo plures qui simul ligam fecerunt ad destruendum illos quos Dominus tutatus, erant plures ligae, et quoque inceperunt aggredi, sed tunc apperceptum quod sphaera Divini Domini circumdarentur illi quos Dominus tutatus est, illa sphaera se evolvebat versus illos qui aggressi, et quidam ausi sunt intrare, sed subito tunc perculsi tali cordis anxietate, ut facti sint quasi qui in agone laborant, quidam se dejicientes in terram se torquebant sicut serpentes; audivi illos clamantes quod nusquam talia facturi; quidam volvebat se longo tractu versus infernum in occidente, et se profunde dejecit, Lars Benzelst.

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