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《灵界经历》 第5906节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5906

5906. Those who are spiritual were indignant that it was said and shown that this is the case, and they imagined that they saw equally clearly as the inward angels because their light appears equally clear to their eyes, and nothing is in shade. But this was illustrated by comparison with birds in forests that see and sing at night and then see clearly, but in the light of day fly away because then they do not see. The nightingale was mentioned, perhaps there are many others. But the infernal spirits were compared to owls, horned-owls, bats, and the like that see clearly at night and not at all by day.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5906

5906. The Spiritual were indignant at its being so said and shown, and supposed that they saw quite as clearly as the interior angels, because their light appears equally clear to their eyes and not at all in shade. But this was illustrated by comparison with birds of the woods, which see and sing at night, and which then see clearly, but in the light of day shrink away, because, then, they do not see. The nightingale 1was instanced: possibly there are many others; - but infernals were compared to night-owls, horned-owls, bats 2and the like, which see clearly at night and nothing by day.


1. Swedish, nactergal.

2. Swedish, laderlappar.

Experientiae Spirituales 5906 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5906. Indignati sunt spirituales quod ita dictum et ostensum, et putarunt quod aeque clare viderent sicut angeli interiores, quia lux eorum apparet aeque clara, coram oculis eorum, et nihil in umbra, sed illustratum hoc est per comparationem cum avibus in sylvis, quae noctu vident et canunt, et quae tunc clare vident, at in luce diei aufugiunt, quia tunc non vident, memorata nectergal, 1

forte sunt plures aliae - at infernales comparatae sunt noctuis, bubonibus, laderlappar 2

et similibus, quae clare vident noctu, et nihil diu.


1. = luscinia (vox suecica)

2. = vespertilionibus

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