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《灵界经历》 第5921节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5921

5921. was sensed, it was said that such [a doctrine] is a persuasion and that in the spiritual world it is entirely forbidden to speak from a persuasion, but from reason and thus from truths themselves." To this he replied that he knew how to make the aforementioned persuasion understandable. For this reason, because this was forbidden, he was led here and there to relieve him of his persuasion, but for some time he was shielded from by those who held a belief similar to his, as a result of which they were also separated from the rest.

He came to me with his persuasion, and he exhaled a smell of leeks (hwitlok 1), and the pungent smell strongly affected the left eye. From this it was evident what the smell of leeks corresponds to. I also spoke to him about persuasion that it exists in connection with things having to do with the Church and also opposed to it, and about the hell of the Nephilim, the nature of their persuasion, and that some who are from the Papal nation, which has the persuasive [doctrine] of that religion, are thrown there, and like things. And it was said that all who employ persuasion are banished there, and the greater part to that hell and around there, but that those who are able to desist endure hard things.


1. Swedish for "garlic," however, the Swedish for leeks is properly ԰urjolok"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5921

5921. but, as this was perceived, it was said that the Persuasive is of such a nature, and that in the spiritual world it is wholly forbidden to speak from the Persuasive, but from reason, and so from truths themselves. To these observations he replied, that he knows how to present such Persuasive. Wherefore, as it was forbidden, he was conducted hither and thither, in order that this Persuasive might be taken away from him; but he was for some time protected by those who were in a similar situation with him - whereby they, also, were separated from others. He came to me in his persuasion, and there exhaled from him as it were the smell of leeks [hvitlok 1], and the pungency strongly affected the left eye. Hence was evident to which ones the smell of leeks corresponds. I also spoke with him about the Persuasive, saying, that it is given in connection with those things which belong to the Church, and also which are opposed to it; also, about the hell of the Nephilim, of what kind their Persuasive was; likewise, that some of the Papist communion, who are in the Persuasive of their religion, are cast therein: and so forth. It was also stated that all who employ persuasion are rejected, and, for the greater part, [are cast] into that hell and round about in that region but that those who are able to refrain suffer great severities.


1. Swedish for leek.

Experientiae Spirituales 5921 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5921. perceptum, dictum est, quod tale sit persuasivum, et quod in spirituali mundo prorsus vetitum sit ex persuasivo loqui, sed ex ratione et sic ex ipsis veris, ad haec respondit, quod sciat tale persuasivum sistere: quare quia vetitum, perductus est huc illuc, ut persuasivum hoc ei auferretur, sed aliquamdiu tutatus est ab illis, qui in simili fide cum illo erant, per quod etiam illi a reliquis separati sunt; venit ad me in sua persuasione, et ex illo exhalabat sicut nidor porri (hwitlok) 1

et acrimonia feriebat valde sinistrum oculum, inde patuit quibus nidor porri correspondet. Loquutus etiam sum cum illo de persuasivo, quod detur cum illis quae Ecclesiae sunt, et quoque contra illa, et de inferno Nephilim, quale eorum persuasivum, et quod aliqui ex Pontificia gente quae in persuasivo suae religionis, illuc conjiciantur, et similia, tum dictum quod omnes qui utuntur persuasivo, rejiciantur, et quoad plurem partem in id infernum, et circumcirca ibi; at quod qui desistere possunt, quod dura patiantur.


1. = allium (vox suecica, sed porrum prpirus = purjolok)

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