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《灵界经历》 第5922节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5922

5922. After this, Melancthon stayed on for several days, behind at the left. He was fond of places from which his life was communicated to some extent. And then it was evident that he had been a hypocrite because he brought a pain to the temple and teeth on both sides, which I spoke about with some. They said that he had said that he loved a life of goodness and that he lived it, when nevertheless as a result of his religious principle he had entirely rejected it. It was also said that he had preached several times and that when he had preached about faith alone, the Church did not want to hear such things; consequently he had stopped preaching about this.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5922

5922. Melancthon stayed for several days after this, and was behind, at the left. He was partial to places from whence his life was somewhat communicated; and it was then evident that he has been a hypocrite, for he induced great pain in the temple and teeth, on both sides, respecting which I spoke with some, who said that he declared that he loves the life of good and also leads it; when, notwithstanding, from his principle of religion, he utterly rejected it. It was also said that he preached, several times, and, when it was about faith alone, that the Church was not willing to listen to such things as he said; wherefore, he had refrained from preaching in that manner.

Experientiae Spirituales 5922 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5922. Postea mansit Melanchton aliquot diebus et post ad sinistrum, et loca amavit unde communicabatur ejus vita aliquantum, et tunc patuit, quod fuerit hypocrita, nam induxit tempori et dentibus utrinque aliquem dolorem, de quo loquutus cum aliquibus, qui dixerunt, quod dixerit se amare vitam boni, et quod ille vivat illam, cum tamen ex suo principio religionis prorsus rejecit illam: dictum etiam quod praedicaverit aliquoties, et cum de sola fide, quod Ecclesia non audire vellet talia, quare destiterat a praedicando ita.

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