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《灵界经历》 第5925节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5925

5925. About those who have goodness and not truths

There were certain ones on high who one could have thought to be among the angels, but they turned away whenever they had a perception of truths from affection, and at the same time they were favorably disposed to the diabolical crowd below, agreeing [with them]. As a result they were taken hold of and thrown down. They could have been among the lowest in the heavenly Kingdom, if separable from those who are devilish. Their nature was shown by their turning around the back part of the head, and that part looked quite smart from their hair being as it were combed, by which was indicated goodness, but they were not willing to show their face, saying that they did not want to do this because it was dirty. It was said by others that their faces were almost monstrous due to pimples and swellings. From this it was clear that the intellect united with the will appears in the face, a sign that they were averse to deeper knowledge.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5925


There were certain ones on high, who might have been supposed to be among the angels; but they turned themselves away as often as they perceived truths arising from affection, and then, at the same time, countenanced the diabolical crew, which was beneath, by consenting with them. By this they were detected and they were cast down. They were capable of being among the lowest in the heavenly Kingdom, if they can be separated from the diabolical. Their quality was exhibited, by the turning of the hinder part of the head [towards us]; and that part appeared extremely becoming on account of the hair being as it were combed, by which good was signified; but they were not willing to show the face, saying, that they are unwilling to do this, because the face is hideous. It was stated by others, that their face was almost a monstrosity, from protuberances and lumps. Hence it was evident, that the intellectual conjoined with the voluntary appears in the face. [This was] a proof that they were averse from knowledges.

Experientiae Spirituales 5925 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5925. De illis qui in bono sunt, et non in veris

Fuerunt quidam in alto, quos putari potuisset esse inter angelos, sed avertebant se quoties percipiebant vera ex affectione, et tunc simul favebant diabolicae turbae, quae infra consentiendo, inde appercepti, et dejecti, [ii] inter infimos in coelesti Regno, esse potuerunt, si a diabolicis separari possunt, ostensi quales sunt, per conversionem posterioris partis capitis, et apparuit illa pars perquam decens ex crinibus quasi comtis, per quod significabatur bonum, at non volebant ostendere faciem, dicentes quod hoc nolint, quia facies foeda, ab aliis dicebatur quod facies eorum esset paene monstrosa ex proeminentiis et tuberibus; inde patuit, quod intellectuale conjunctum voluntario appareat in facie, signum quod aversarentur cognitiones.

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