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《灵界经历》 第5924节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5924

5924. About the Lord in the case of the Papists

I spoke with a certain one about the Lord, whether he had thought about the Lord's Divine. He said that whenever he reflected on the doctrine, he recognized that the Lord's Divine was equal with the Divine of the Father. Shortly after this the Papists were asked whether they had thought about the Lord's Divine. They replied that they had not, and when it was said that still this is a part of their doctrine, they turned away. The reason they do not contemplate the Lord's Divine is because they have transferred all of His Divine [and its power] to themselves, saying that this power was given to His Human from the Father and not from Himself, and if it were given from Himself, the Divine would have been in His Human as the soul in the body, and then they could not have been able to separate [them].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5924


I conversed with a certain one respecting the Lord, as to whether he has thought about the Lord's Divine: he said that as often as he was in doctrine with discernment, he knew the Lord's Divine was equal to the Divine of the Father. Thereupon, inquiry was made of the Papists, whether they have thought about the Lord's Divine. They replied, that they had not; and, when it was urged that yet this is of their doctrine, they turned away. The reason that they do not reflect about the Lord's Divine, is because they have transferred all His Divine to themselves, saying, that that power was conferred upon His Human, by the Father, and not by Himself; and, even if conferred by Himself, that the Divine was in the Human Itself as the soul in the body, and that they were not then able to separate them.

Experientiae Spirituales 5924 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5924. De Domino apud Pontificios

Loquutus sum cum quodam de Domino, num cogitaverit de Divino Domini, dixit quod quoties in doctrina cum visu esset, quod cognoverit Divinum Domini par Divino Patris; et mox tunc quaerebantur Pontificii, num illi cogitaverint de Divino Domini, responderunt quod non, et cum dictum quod usque hoc sit ex doctrina eorum, averterunt se; causa quod illi non cogitent de Divino Domini, est, quia transtulerunt in se omne Ipsius Divinum, dicentes quod Humano Ipsius illa potestas data sit a Patre, et non a SeIpso, et si a SeIpso quod Divinum in Humano Ipso fuerit, sicut anima in corpore, et quod tunc non separare potuerint.

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