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《灵界经历》 第5928节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5928

5928. About those who make the Lutheran religion a way of life

There are few who make the Lutheran religion a way of life, because they have no doctrine of life but only of faith. Nevertheless, those do make this religion a way of life of life who think from [the Church's teaching about] faith that after they have been justified, nothing of evil is imputed to them and that goodness does nothing toward salvation. When these repeatedly think this way from [this doctrine of] faith in connection with their actions in life, they make this religion their life, and when it goes badly for them in the next life, they cannot be changed for the better, because the spirit is the way the person was as regards life in accord with faith. There was a certain one who underwent a certain temptation and consequently thought about his evils in this way and made goodness of no account. He became such that he was unable to accept any truth, on which account he was separated from the rest. He was in a society of good [spirits] and lived there on the outskirts, and when he came toward the center, they found him troublesome, virtually resisting thinking about what goodness is.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5928


There are a few who make the Lutheran religion of life for they have no doctrine of life, but of faith alone; but, still, those make that religion of life who think, from faith, that, after they are justified, nothing of evil is imputed to them, and that good of life contributes nothing to salvation. These, when, from faith, they frequently think thus about the acts of their life, make that religion of the life, and it is ill with them in the other life; nor can they be amended, inasmuch as the spirit is such as the man was, in respect to life from faith. There was a certain one who underwent a certain temptation, and, in consequence thereof, thought thus about his evils, and made no account of good. He became such that he was incapable of receiving any truth: wherefore, he was separated from the rest. He was in a society of the good, and dwelt in the boundaries there; and when he came towards the middle, they perceived annoyance, as it were an impediment to thinking about good.

Experientiae Spirituales 5928 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5928. De illis qui religionem Lutheranam faciunt vitae

Pauci sunt qui religionem Lutheranam faciunt vitae, quia non est illis doctrina vitae, sed solius fidei, sed usque faciunt illi eam religionem vitae, qui cogitant ex fide, quod postquam justificati sunt, non aliquid mali eis imputetur, et quod bonum vitae nihil ad salutem faciat, illi cum ex fide ita cogitant saepe circa vitae suae acta, illi faciunt religionem illam vitae, et cum illis male est in altera vita, non possunt emendari, quia spiritus talis est qualis fuit homo quoad vitam fide, erat quidam qui tentationem quandam subiit, et inde ita cogitavit de malis suis, et bonum nihili fecit, ille talis factus est, ut non recipere posset aliquod verum, quare separatus est a reliquis, erat in societate bonorum, et ibi habitavit in extremis, et cum versus medium venit, percipiebant molestum quasi contranitens cogitare de bono.

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