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《灵界经历》 第5929节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5929

5929. About the inflow of those who are in an evil, who are on high, into those below


By means of fantasies evil spirits also climb on high and then believe they are in heaven, as has been said a number of times, for the earlier heaven that was made up of these perished. There are those of them there who look down on lower things and those who do not. Both types of spirits love the places there because directly opposite below are those who trouble the upright and who commit wicked acts. Because these things are part of what they love and have a communication with those who are directly below, places like this are a pleasure to them. They pick them out and go there to enjoy themselves. Certain ones know that wicked things like this are below; these are the ones who look down. Certain others do not know because they do not look down; nevertheless in this situation they still enjoy it and like staying there above and hurling down a stream of wicked affections, that is to say, love for things like this, and in this way they inject it into wicked affections and thoughts. But those who have not been involved in things like this in the world are kept away by the Lord from such abominable inflow, because higher things act quite extensively on lower ones. For this reason, because spirits like this constituted the so-called former heaven, they were all thrown out.

Those who had faith alone or no doctrine knew only something from the literal sense of the Word; they hurled down an aura of wicked adultery with an aunt and with a daughter-in-law. This adultery is from the lowest hell, with which they have communication.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5929


That the evil, by means of phantasies, also ascend on high, and then believe that they are in heaven, has been stated many times already; for of these consisted the former heaven, which perished. Those are in these places who look down to the lower parts, and also some who do not look down. Both sorts like the places, there, because those who infest the upright, and commit disgraceful acts, are diametrically beneath. Since these things are of their love, and they have a communication with those who are diametrically beneath, therefore such places are agreeable to them. These they choose: they go to them in order that they may be in their delight. Some of them know that such things are beneath. These are they who look down. Some do not know, because they do not look down; but, still, they are then sensible of the delight, and love to stay above the place; and then, at the same time, they cast down an abominable influx of the affection, or love, of such things, and thus inject it into abominable affections and thoughts; but they who have not been in such things in the world, are removed from such abominable influx by the Lord, for, on a higher level, things act very extensively into lower things. Wherefore, as such ones had constituted the former heaven so-called, they were all cast out. Those who have been in faith alone, or in no doctrine, but merely knew something of the sense of the letter of the Word, cast down a sphere of abominable adultery with an aunt, and with a daughter-in-law; which adultery is from the lowest hell, with which they have a communication.

Experientiae Spirituales 5929 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5929. De influxu illorum qui in malo sunt, qui in alto, in inferiores


Quod mali per phantasias etiam ascendant in altum, et tunc credant se esse in coelo, prius pluries dictum est, ex illis enim prius coelum fuit quod periit, sunt ibi qui in inferiora despiciunt, et qui non despiciunt, utrique amant loca ibi quia e diametro subter sunt, qui infestant probos, et qui flagitia committunt, haec quia amoris eorum sunt, et communicationem cum illis qui e diametro subter sunt habent, ideo talia loca illis amaena sunt, haec eligunt, ad haec vadunt, ut in jucundo suo sint, quidam sciunt quod subter talia sunt, qui sunt qui despiciunt, quidam non sciunt quia non despiciunt, sed usque sentiunt tunc jucundum, et ibi supra morari amant, et tunc simul dejiciunt nefandum influxum affectionis seu amoris talium, et sic injiciunt in nefandas affectiones et cogitationes, at qui in talibus non fuerunt in mundo, ab abominabili tali influxu, eximuntur a Domino, superiora enim agunt admodum late in inferiora; quapropter quia tales prius coelum ita dictum formaverant, omnes ejecti sunt: illi qui in sola fide fuerunt, aut in nulla doctrina, solum sciverunt aliquid ex sensu literae Verbi, dejiciunt sphaeram nefandi adulterii cum matertera et cum nuru: quod adulterium est ex infimo inferno, cum quo communicationem habent.

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