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《灵界经历》 第5936节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5936

5936. About women who preach

Women who think like men about religious matters and talk a great deal about them, and the more if they preach in congregations, lose their feminine nature, which is one of affection, a result of which is that they need husbands beside them, and they become materialistic, so that affection perishes and the inward regions are closed. They also become deranged in their thinking because affection then having been ruined causes their intellect to be deranged. Outwardly of course they can still appear like other women. In a word they become sensual in the highest degree. She belongs at home and is different where [she is] preaching.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5936


Women who think in the way men do on religious subjects, and talk much about them, and still more if they preach in meetings, do away with the feminine nature, which is affectional; owing to which they must be with married men: they also become material, so that affection perishes and their interiors are closed. They also begin to develop a tendency, as regards the thoughts, to take up with crazes; which takes place because the affection, being then destroyed, causes the intellectual to be crazy. In outward form, indeed, they are still able to appear like other women. In a word, they become sensual in the last degree. Woman belongs to the home; and she [becomes] of a different nature where [she engages in] preaching.

Experientiae Spirituales 5936 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5936. De faeminis quae praedicant

Faeminae quae cogitant sicut viri de religiosis, et loquuntur multum de illis, et magis si praedicant in coetibus, illae perdunt naturam faemininam, quae est affectionis, ex qua erunt cum maritis, et fiunt materiales, sic ut pereat affectio, et clauduntur interiora, incipiunt etiam delirare quoad cogitationes, quod fit quia affectio tunc destructa facit ut intellectuale deliret, in externa quidem forma usque possunt apparere sicut aliae, verbo fiunt sensuales in ultimo gradu, illa domi et alia ubi praedicationes.

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