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《灵界经历》 第5937节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5937

5937. The last judgment on the reformed

This went on for a long time because they have the Word, and they were thrown out in many ways. Most, those who had not already been hurled into hells or taken up into heaven, climbed high on the mountains where there were many expanses, and all there who looked around themselves, or peered across, were hurled from there, some onto roads around and below, some into hells. They then continually formed confederations, so that 20, 50, 100 societies confederated themselves, one gang with this lust, another with another. When these confederacies were detected, they were thrown down, up to thousands. Certain confederacies appeared like bundles that were cut apart with knives and forks. When cut apart they unrolled as if of themselves. Certain confederacies were all rolled up like parchments and unrolled; certain were carried away like clouds; certain fell into the depths. For the most part they took themselves out of there, going on into hells. And so it happened in many ways. Those who were at the back lay in wait in the feelings and from there in the thoughts [of spirits], for the most part wherever hopelessness prevailed, where similar things happened, and so on.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5937


This lasted for a considerable time, for the reason that they have the Word; and they were cast out in various modes. Most of them who were not before cast into hells or raised up into heaven, climbed on high, upon some mountains, where there were many expanses, and all there who gazed about or looked through, were cast away from that place, part into by-ways roundabout and below, and part into hells. They continually formed leagues, so that twenty, fifty, or a hundred societies leagued themselves together: one crew with one lust, another with another. Some of the confederacies were discovered and cast down, and this even to myriads. Some of the confederacies appeared like bundles which were cut asunder with knives and pincers. On being cut asunder, they were unrolled as of themselves. Some confederacies were rolled up like parchments, and were unrolled. Some were borne across like clouds. Some fell down into the abyss. The greatest part betook themselves from thence, by marching into hells; and so with much variety. They who were at the back, lay in wait for the affections and the thoughts therefrom - for the most part when there was a state of despair anywhere; where, also, similar things occurred: and so forth.

Experientiae Spirituales 5937 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5937. De ultimo judicio super reformatos

Hoc perstitit per multum tempus, ex causa quia Verbum habent, ac multis modis ejecti, plerique, qui non prius in inferna conjecti sunt, aut in coelum sublati, scanderunt alte super montes, ubi plura expansa, et ibi omnes qui se circumspexerunt, vel transspexerunt, inde conjecti sunt, pars in semitas circum et infra, pars in inferna; ligas fecerunt continue, sic ut 20, 50, 100 societates se ligaverint, una turba cum hac cupiditate, altera cum altera, quibus ligis detectis, dejectae sunt, et hoc ad myriades, ligae quaedam apparuerunt ut fasciae quae cultris et forcipibus discindebantur, quibus discissis devolvebantur sicut a se, quaedam ligae sicut membranae convolutae sunt, et devolvebantur, quaedam transferebantur sicut nubes, quaedam in profundum decidebant, plurima pars inde se contulit progrediendo in inferna; et sic cum multa varietate; illi qui a tergo erant, insidiabantur in affectiones et inde cogitationes, utplurimum cum status desperationis alicubi esset, ubi etiam similia, et sic porro.

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