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《灵界经历》 第5940节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5940

5940. All the things from the spiritual world are affections produced by love

There were spirits with me who were thinking about what faith and love are, and during the hour that passed, thought about affection produced by love. They ascertained that all things in the spiritual world accord with the affection produced by love, so that the whole of heaven is arranged according to its varieties, and each society there within itself, and all and the least things in a person's intellect, consequently everything in the body, because these are material forms of the will and thus of the understanding; and further that there is nothing else at all that lives and that forms and that acts. Consequently there is no faith whatsoever without this [heavenly affection], since a faith without it is formed from affection produced by love of oneself and of the world, and then it forms [faith] as if it were knowledge relating to the world, over which it similarly has control since it produces it similarly. The result is that they have nothing of truth, because they do not have any rational sight - nor anything living in those things related to the Church.

[2] It was ascertained that the varieties of affection produced by love are limitless and complex and that few come to a person's thought, and that the government of the Lord's providence is effected through these, thus through good into truth, or in other words, through affection into thought.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5940


There were spirits with me, who were in thought as to what faith and love are; but, for an hour's time which passed they thought respecting affection, which is love, in this wise: that the universal heaven is arranged according to the variety thereof, and also everyone of the societies there among themselves; also, all and everyone of the things which are with man, in his understanding; consequently all things of the body, because these are material forms belonging to the will, and hence to the understanding; moreover, that there is nothing at all else, which lives and forms and acts; consequently, that there is no faith at all apart from it, since faith apart from it is formed from the affection which is of the love of self and the world, and then it forms that faith as it does worldly scientifics, and reigns over it in a similar way; for it produces it in a like manner. Hence it is, that there is with them nothing of truth, no rational sight, nor aught of life, in the things which pertain to the Church.

It was also ascertained that the varieties of affections which are of love, are indefinite and manifold, and that few come to the knowledge of man; also, that the government of the Lord's Providence is through them, thus through good into truth, or through affection into thought.

Experientiae Spirituales 5940 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5940. Quod omnia ex spirituali mundo sint affectiones quae amoris

Erant spiritus apud me, qui in cogitatione erant quid fides et amor, et per horarium tempus quod excedit, cogitaverunt de affectione quae amoris, et compererunt quod omnia in spirituali mundo sint secundum affectionem quae amoris, ut quod universum coelum secundum ejus varietates dispositum sit, et unaquaevis societas ibi inter se, et quod omnia et singula apud hominem in ejus intellectu, consequenter quod omnia corporis, quia haec formae materiales sunt voluntatis et inde intellectus, porro quod prorsus nihil aliud sit quod vivit, ex quod format, et quod facit, consequenter quod prorsus non fides absque illa, quoniam fides absque illa formatur ex affectione quae amoris sui et mundi, et tunc format illa sicut scientifica mundi, in quae similiter dominatur, nam producit illa similiter, inde est, quod nihil veri illis sit, quod non aliquis visus rationalis, nec aliquid vitae in illis quae Ecclesiae.

[2] Compertum etiam est, quod varietates affectionum quae amoris indefinitae sint, et multiplices, et quod paucae perveniant ad cognitionem hominis, tum quod regimen providentiae Domini sit per illas, ita per bonum in verum, seu per affectionem in cogitationem.

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