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《灵界经历》 第5939节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5939

5939. There are many things that produce whoredoms and adulteries

All the degrees of heinous acts correspond to the sorts of things that are spiritual sins. I want to mention two:

[1] Those who have faith alone and are not concerned about how they live: they produce adulteries with a maternal aunt and with a mother. At the presence of these [spirits], a thought like this comes into mind.

[2] Those who worship piously and devoutly in churches and then think only about God and nothing regarding how to live: they correspond to adultery with a sister. At the presence of these [spirits], thought like this strikes. Another wicked adultery is produced by those who speak much about God and yet have no concern about deceiving people and, if they can, snatching their possessions. These commit adultery in their own homes with their maids whom they change frequently, and thus with whomsoever they wish. Those who love themselves and whose love is commanding others are Sodomites.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5939


All degrees of criminality correspond to such things as are spiritual sins. I will mention two. Those who are in faith alone and do not trouble about life, produce adultery with an aunt, and with a mother. At the presence of these [spirits], such a thought occurs. Those who worship piously and devoutly in churches, and at such times think solely about God, and not about life - to these adulteries with a sister correspond. Such a thought occurs at their presence. Another execrable adultery [is produced] by those who talk much about God, and yet have no scruples about cheating men, and, if they could, about robbing them of their possessions. These, in their place, commit adultery with their maids, whom they change frequently, and thus with whomsoever they please. Those who are in the love of self, and whose love is to rule over others, are Sodomites.

Experientiae Spirituales 5939 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5939. Quod plura sint quae producunt scortationes et adulteria

Gradus nefandi omnes correspondent talibus quae sunt peccata spiritualia, duo memorare velim, qui in sola fide sunt, et non curant vitam, illi producunt adulterium cum matertera et cum matre, ad praesentiam eorum talis cogitatio obvenit; illi qui in templis pie et devote adorant, et tunc solum cogitant de Deo, et nihil quoad vitam, illis correspondent adulteria cum sorore, talis cogitatio incidit ad praesentiam eorum: aliud adulterium nefandum ab illis qui multum loquuntur de Deo, et usque nihil curant fallere homines, et si possent deripere illis sua, ii in suo loco adulterantur cum ancillis suis, quas saepe mutant, et sic cum quibuscunque volunt: qui in amore sui sunt, et quorum amor est imperare aliis, Sodomitae sunt.

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