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《灵界经历》 第5949节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5949

5949. About the Russians

Czar Peter was seen and I spoke with him in a dream. Later he appeared among Russians, and I was then shown the nature of Russians. Since they believe that he has power over their lives and their possessions, these are consequently not theirs but his, which they profess before him. I heard them together with the Czar. He said that everything of theirs is his because the kingdom is his. But I contradicted this saying that they are not his and that their riches are not his but their own, and that he does not have right over their lives, but to the extent they are going to give of their own resources, to that extent for kingdom's defense [he has control], and not more; and that their life is from the Lord, and that they are under the law, and that the Czar too is under it. And it was shown that when the Czar wanted to have all they had, they would actually give it all. They worshiped him as if he were their god.

Besides this it was shown that they inflicted no pain on the right temple and teeth as did the Christians, which surprised me; they were on that side, and I felt nothing of pain from them. They have no self-love but are nonetheless thieves, and dare and do everything to get money for themselves.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5949


Czar Peter was seen, and I spoke with him in a dream. He afterwards appeared among the Russians, and then was shown of what quality the Russians are. Since they believe that he has power over their lives and their professions, so that they are not theirs but are his - as they also acknowledge in his presence - I heard them with the Czar, who said that all things of theirs are his, since the country is his. I contended, however, that they are not his, and that their riches are not his, but theirs - also that he has no right over their lives; but that, in proportion as they give of their means, to that extent [are they entitled] to the protection of the kingdom, and no farther; and that their life is from the Lord, and that they are under the law, and the Czar, also, is under it. It was also shown, that, when the Czar wanted to possess all their belongings, they give him even everything: they worship him as their god.

Moreover, it was shown that they do not inflict any pain on the right temple and the teeth, as Christians do, which I wondered at. They were on that side, and yet I felt no pain whatever from them. They are free from the love of self, but yet they are thieves; and, in order to obtain money, risk and do everything.

Experientiae Spirituales 5949 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5949. De Russis

Visus est Czar Peter, et loquutus cum eo in somnio, postea apparuit inter Russos, et tunc ostensum est quales Russi sunt; cum credunt quod ille potestatem habeat in vitas eorum et in possessiones eorum, ita quod non eorum sint, sed quod sint illius, quod etiam illi fatentur coram illis, 1

audivi illos una cum Czare, qui dixit quod omnia eorum sua sint, quia regio ejus, sed contradixi, quod non ejus sint, et quod opes illorum non ejus sint sed eorum, et quod non jus habeat in vitas eorum, sed quod tantum ex suis daturi sint, quantum ad tutelam regni, et non amplius, et quod vita eorum sit a Domino, et quod sub lege sint, et Czar quoque sub illa; et ostensum cum Czar vellet habere omnia eorum, quod etiam omnia dent, colunt eum sicut suum deum.

Praeterea ostensum est, quod non aliquem dolorem infligant tempori dextro et dentibus sicut Christiani quod miratus, erant ab illa parte, et nihil doloris ab iis sensi; sunt absque amore sui, sed usque fures sunt, et ut sibi comparent pecunias, omnia audent et faciunt.


1. sic ms. fortasse pro illo

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