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《灵界经历》 第5948节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5948

5948. About the Last Judgment on the reformed churches and about piety

The judgment on the reformed churches went on for a long time; since they have communication with the angels of heaven through the Word, the process of their arrangement into order went on for a long time, and also because there is a communication by them from there with the gentiles round about, for light is spread about from there.

[2] All those who did not find delight in any useful service, because they could not but let their thoughts wander about and become focused on evils, could not be in a society with others, for the Lord flows into the delight of each good and useful service. As a result they all wanted to leave the society where they were and look around and communicate with those who were evil. On this account all those who had gone out from societies, as soon as they were outside the society, began to communicate with those who were evil and plot various evils. Therefore they were cast out, and this went on for a long time.

[3] Among them were also very many who had led a life of piety and consequently believed that they were going to be received into heaven ahead of others. But because they had not loved any useful service, they were actually thrown out in throngs. They were noticeable from the fact that when they blew on my back they inflicted a throbbing pain and irregular palpitation in the chest, both on the pulse of the heart and of the lungs. Among them were Aulaevil 1and Rosenstolpe 2; and the latter, because he had acted unjustly on account of friendship and persisted in doing so, inflicted pain in the temple, the surrounding bones, and also to a degree in the teeth. He was completely natural, Aulaevil even more so.

[4] Those who had led a life of piety and as their doctrine held that charity is everything and nevertheless had lived without performing any useful work, merely piously praying, going to church and the like, produced pain in the right arm and right large shoulder blade, and they struggled up higher more than others. They were thrown out in throngs, and were indignant that words of piety and charity availed nothing. I suffered many things from the latter and from the former; and depending on the delights of their love of themselves and of the world, and depending on their delights in doing evil things, they were thrown down into lower [regions], where they eventually threw piety aside.

The separation of papists from reformed also went on for a long time, and the paths they should take to their own societies were pointed out to each and every one of them.

The chief issue of all was the arrangement according to the idea of the Divine and according to the idea of the Lord, the orderly arrangement of the good. This was explored in various ways.

Those who called themselves sons of God and brothers of the Lord were removed and told that it is not fitting to speak and believe in this way, but they are spoken of in this way by the Lord, and they must not speak of themselves [in this way], for they are all servants.


1. See footnoted information on him in passage 5599.

2. See footnoted information on him in passage 5863.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5948


The judgment upon the Reformed lasted a long time, inasmuch as, through the Word, they had communication with the angels of heaven. Therefore, the bringing of them into order continued a long while, - and also because there is communication thence from them with the nations roundabout, for light is diffused thence.

All of them who did not possess a delight of some use, since they could not otherwise than permit their thoughts to wander roundabout and be determined to evils, were unable to be in society with others; for the Lord inflows into the delight of every single good use. On this account, all these longed to go forth from the society where they were, and to look about them and communicate with the evil; wherefore, they all went forth from the societies, and, as soon as they were outside their society, they began to hold communication with the evil and to plot various evils. They were, therefore, cast out; and this continued a long time.

Amongst them were also very many who have led a life of piety, and hence believed that they ought to be received into heaven in preference to others; but as they have not loved any use, they also were cast out in troops. They were detected by the fact, that, when they inspired into my back, they inflicted a fluctuating pain, and a varying palpitation in the breast, both on the pulse of the heart and that of the lungs. Amongst them were Aulaevill and Rosenstolpe; and the latter, as he had acted unjustly for friendship's sake, and persisted in so doing, inflicted pain in the temple, in the surrounding bones, and also somewhat in the teeth. He was completely natural. Aulaevill was still more so.

They who have led a life of piety, and have had for their doctrine that charity is everything, and have, nevertheless, lived without performing uses, merely praying piously, attending church and the like - these produced pain in the right arm, and the right great shoulder-blade; and struggled up higher than others. They were cast out in troops. They were full of indignation that their piety and charity were of no avail. I suffered many things from the latter and from the former; and all of them, according to their delights of the love of self and the world and according to their delights of doing evils, were cast down into lower places, where they at length reject piety.

The separation of Papists from the Reformed, also, occupied a long time; and to all and each of them ways were appointed along which they should go to their societies.

The main point of all was the arranging in order according to the idea of the Divine, and the arranging of the good according to the idea of the Lord. This was ascertained in various ways.

Those who have called themselves "sons of God" and "brothers of the Lord," were driven out, and were taught that it is unbecoming to say and believe thus; but that they may be so called by the Lord, and not say it themselves for they are all servants.

Experientiae Spirituales 5948 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5948. De Ultimo Judicio super reformatos et de pietate

Judicium super reformatos diu perstitit, quoniam illi communicationem habebant cum angelis coeli per Verbum, ordinationes eorum ideo diu perstiterunt, tum quia communicatio inde ab illis est cum gentibus circum circa, lux enim inde propagatur.

[2] Omnes ex illis qui non habuerunt jucundum alicujus usus, illi quia non potuerunt aliter quam permittere ut cogitationes eorum vagarent circum circa et determinari ad mala, non potuerunt esse in societate cum aliis, nam Dominus influit in jucundum usus cujusvis boni, quare omnes illi cupiverunt exire societate ubi erant, et se circumspicere, et communicare cum malis, quapropter omnes illi e societatibus egressi sunt, ac ut primum extra societatem erant, coeperunt cum malis habere communicationem, et machinari varia mala, ideo ejecti sunt, et hoc perstitit diu.

[3] Inter eos etiam fuerunt perplures qui pietatis vitam egerunt, et inde crediderunt se recipiendos in coelum prae aliis, sed quia non aliquem usum amaverunt, ejecti etiam sunt ad cohortes, manifestati per id quod cum insufflarent in tergum meum, quod infligerent varium dolorem et variam motitationem in pectore, tam in cordis pulsum quam in pulmonum, inter eos Aulaevil et Rosenstolpe, et hic quia injustum fecerat propter amicitias, et in eo continuavit, dolorem inflixit tempori, ossibus circum circa, et parum etiam dentibus, erat prorsus naturalis. Aulaevil adhuc plus.

[4] Illi qui pietatis vitam egerunt, et pro doctrina sua habuerunt, quod charitas sit omne, et tamen vixerunt absque usibus praestandis, solum pie orando, frequentando templa et similia, illi dolorem incusserunt brachio dextro et scapulae dextrae magnae, et enisi sunt editius quam alii, illi ad cohortes ejecti sunt, indignabundi quod pietas et charitas ore nihil facerent. Plura sustinui ex his et ex illis; et omnes illi secundum jucunda amoris sui et mundi, et secundum jucunda faciendi mala dejecti sunt in inferiora, ubi tandem pietatem rejiciunt.

Diu etiam perstitit separatio pontificiorum a reformatis, et omnibus et singulis determinatae sunt viaequas irent ad suas societates.

Praecipuum omnium fuit, ordinatio secundum ideam de Divino, et secundum ideam de Domino, ordinatio bonorum, hoc variis modis exploratum est.

Abacti sunt qui se vocaverunt filios Dei, et fratres Domini, et instructi, quod ita non deceat dicere et credere, sed quod ita dicantur a Domino, et non dicturi ipsi, sunt enim omnes servi.

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