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《灵界经历》 第595节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 595

595. About someone among the most learned

One spirit who had been extremely famous and most acclaimed on account of his doctrines, came upwards toward me from below, thus from the lower earth. He was cold, as I plainly felt from the cold blast. He said that he had heard what I had discussed with others, but that of the heavenly and spiritual things, he had understood nothing, even though he had been one of the main writers on those subjects; nor did he understand what even a spirit of the lower sort knows, or even want to learn it. He was therefore rebuked and told that this was one thing necessary in this life. He did not know that he was in the other life. 1748, the 27th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 595


A spirit, who had been one of the most famous and among the most celebrated on account of his doctrines, applied himself to me from beneath upwards, thus from the lower earth. He was cold, as I manifestly felt from a cold breeze. He said that he had heard that I spoke with others, but because it was about celestial and spiritual things he could understand nothing, although he had been among the leading men to write about such matters. He could not understand what a spirit of the lower sort knew well, nor indeed did he want to learn; therefore he was admonished that this was the one thing necessary in this life. He did not know that he was in the other life. 1748, Jan. 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 595 (original Latin 1748-1764)

595. Unus maxime famigeratus, et inter celebratissimos propter doctrinas, spiritus is ad me appulit ab infra sursum, sic ab inferiore terra, erat frigidus, quod ab afflatu frigido sentivi 1

manifeste, is dixit se audivisse, quid loquutus cum aliis, sed quae coelestia et spiritualia, nihil intellexisse tametsi de iis inter primarios scripserat, nec intelligere potuit, quod spiritus inferioris sortis novit, imo nec discere voluit, sic ut increparetur, quod id unum esset necessarium in hac vita, nesciebat quod in altera vita esset. 1748, die 2

27 Jan.


1. = sensi

2. The Manuscript has di

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