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《灵界经历》 第5954节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5954

5954. About marriage love

I spoke with spirits about marriage and its love, saying that marriage love becomes love to such a degree that two become one; and there is as much delight, and they have as much wisdom, and have as much of heaven, and are as much human, as the love for their partner is distant from adultery, that is, from such lasciviousness. This was also proven by angels and good spirits. From this the nature of those who do not have marriage love was concluded, namely that in everything they are like boars and hogs. This was confirmed by the fact that one like this looked like a boar and ate excrement with delight.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5954


I conversed with spirits respecting marriage and its love; and it was stated that conjugial love is so far love, the two are one, and so far there is delight, also so far they have wisdom, and so far they have heaven, and so far they are men, as they are in the love of the married partner without adultery or any lasciviousness of that kind. This was also confirmed by angels and good spirits. Hence it was inferred what was the quality of those who are not in conjugial love, namely, that they are in all respects like sows and hogs. This was confirmed by one who was such appearing like a sow, and eating excrements with gusto.

Experientiae Spirituales 5954 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5954. De amore conjugiali

Loquutus sum cum spiritibus [de] conjugio et ejus amore, et dictum quod amor conjugialis tantum fiat amor, bini unum, et tantum jucundum, tum tantum sapientia illis, et tantum coelum illis, et tantum homines sint, quantum in amore conjugis remote ab adulterio, seu a tali lascivo; comprobatum etiam ab angelis et bonis spiritibus; inde conclusum quales sunt qui non in amore conjugiali, quod nempe similes suibus et porcis quoad omnia, hoc confirmatum est per quod unus qui talis apparuerit sicut sus, et comederit cum jucundo excrementa.

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