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《灵界经历》 第5955节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5955

5955. About the Goat, or Goats

There was a conversation about the male goat among the she goats in Daniel [Chap.

[8], and it was said that it was faith alone. To convince those who did not believe that this was meant by the goat, a certain one was seen who had faith alone more than others, and whom everyone knew to be like this. And then he gave reasons and defended faith alone and argued that charity does nothing. He appeared before many not as a spirit but as a goat with horns and was then seen acting in a way like that described in Daniel, which convinced everyone that by this goat and the goats in Matthew cap. 25 [vs. 31 ad fin.] nothing else is meant.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5955


There was a conversation about the he-goat of the she-goats in Daniel; and it was said that it was faith alone. In order that they who did not believe that this is meant by the he-goat might be convinced, a certain one was seen, who was in faith alone more than others, and whom all knew to be such; and he then argued and defended faith alone, and said that charity avails nothing. He appeared before many, not as a spirit but as a he-goat with horns, and seemed at that time to act in a similar way to that described in Daniel; whereby all were convinced that by that he-goat, and by the he-goats in Matthew, chapter 25, nothing else is meant.

Experientiae Spirituales 5955 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5955. De Hirco seu Hircis

Erat sermo de hirco caprarum apud Danielem [Cap. VIII], et dictum quod esset sola fides; ut evincerentur illi qui non crediderunt quod per hircum illa intelligeretur, visus est quidam qui prae aliis in sola fide, et quem omnes noverunt quod talis esset, et tunc ratiocinatus est et defendit solam fidem, et quod charitas nihil faciat, apparuit ille coram multis non ut spiritus sed ut hircus cum cornibus, et visus tunc similiter agere sicut describitur apud Danielem, per quod evicti sunt omnes quod per hircum illum et per hircos apud Matthaeum Cap. XXV [vv. 31 ad fin.] non aliud intellectum sit.

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