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《灵界经历》 第5957节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5957

5957. About a certain Monk who lived in a dark century, year Ū

There was a certain one who came from the left and looked into a place where there were Monks who had lived in the Dark Ages. The places were in front in the west, deep down. From this and then from conversation with him, it was given me to know that he was from there. He said that when the last judgment took place, he had fled away and after that had wandered all around. And others said that he was like a simpleton, saying little, and when asked about Divine truths, knew absolutely nothing, so as to be utterly stupid, although the monks had been in the other life a long time. He said that he had come from the world in the twelfth century and that now he wanted companions. From this it is evident what spirits who lack Divine truths are like after so many centuries and that their nature remains as it had been, that they become more stupid.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5957


There was a certain one, who came on the left, and looked into the places where there were monks who lived in the dark ages, which places were in front, deep down in the west. From this circumstance, and afterwards from conversation with him, it was granted me to know that he was from thence. He stated that, when the Last Judgment took place, he fled away, and afterwards wandered roundabout; and others said that he was as one demented, speaking little, and [when] questioned about Divine Truths he knew nothing at all; so that he was completely stupid, although he had been a long time in the other life. He said that he came from the world in the eleventh century, and that he now wished for his companions. Hence was manifest of what character are spirits who are destitute of Divine truths after so many centuries, and that they remain as they were, and become more stupid.

Experientiae Spirituales 5957 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5957. De quodam Monacho qui vixit in saeculo obscuro, anno... 1

Erat quidam qui venit a sinistro et inspexit in loca ubi fuerunt Monachi qui vixerunt in saeculis obscuris, quae loca erant anterius in occidente profunde, inde et dein ex loquela cum illo scire datum est quod inde fuerit, dixit quod cum ultimum judicium erat, ille tunc aufugerit, et postea vagatus est circum circa, et alii dixerunt, quod sicut fatuus esset, parum loquens, et [cum] interrogaretur de veris Divinis prorsus nihil sciret, sic ut esse plane stupidus, tametsi longo tempore in altera vita fuerant, dixit quod e mundo venerit saeculo undecimo, 2

et quod nunc vellet ad consocios, inde patuit quales sunt spiritus qui absque Divinis veris post tot saecula, et quod permaneant quales fuerunt, quod fiant stupidiores.


1. ms. Anno 11[] [crossed out]

2. h.e. 1100-99

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