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《灵界经历》 第5956节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5956

5956. About the skill of calculating in the spiritual world

They make calculations in the spiritual world too. They have business transactions there and employees who pay the bills and to whom they entrust the things they sell and buy and [record] it in notebooks or books as in the world. There, when they inspect then these books, they then draw them up and examine them so skillfully that what people in the world will do in days or weeks, they [do] in the space of four hours. They immediately see where an error is and where there is cheating or carelessness. At the beginning I didn't know this nor could I believe it, but nonetheless they took up the calculations that I had made with a certain one in the world, and they immediately saw that it was correct. This happens from the fact that spiritual sight is such that it can run through in a moment what bodily vision does within the space of an hour. This is why servants can be trusted, because they can immediately find out where there are frauds.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5956


They calculate also in the spiritual world. They have business transactions there, and have servants who render an account; and they give these charge of what they sell and buy, and [enter] it in journals, or books, as is done in the world. When they inspect these books, they compute and examine the entries so skillfully, that, what men in the world do in several days and weeks, they accomplish within a quarter of an hour. They instantly see where there is an error, and where there is deception, or neglect. I was not aware of this previously, nor could I believe it; but still they took up the accounts which I had with a certain one in the world, and at once saw that the thing was correct. This arises from the fact, that spiritual sight is such that it can traverse in a moment what the sight of the body would in a period of time. Hence it is that their servants are faithful, because they can immediately find out where there are frauds.

Experientiae Spirituales 5956 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5956. De solertia calculandi in mundo spirituali

Calculant etiam in mundo spirituali, habent ibi negotia, et habent famulitia, quae rationem reddunt, et his mandant illa quae vendunt et emunt, et hoc libellis vel libris ut in mundo, ibi cum inspiciunt tunc tam solerter subducunt et explorant illa, ut quod homines in mundo facturi sunt intra aliquot dies et septimanas, hoc illi intra quadrantem horae, vident illico ubi error, et ubi deceptus, vel neglectus; hoc non primum scivi nec potui credere, sed usque sumserunt calculos quos habui cum quodam in mundo, et statim viderunt quod ita esset; hoc fit ex eo quia visus spiritualis talis est ut momento possit percurrere, quod visus corporis intra temporis spatia. Inde est, quod servitia sint fidelia, quia statim possunt invenire ubi astus sunt.

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