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《灵界经历》 第5965节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5965

5965. From this the nature of the things written in heaven is evident, namely that there are words that contain many more things than they who read them in fact know, for they said that in place of Egypt, Assyria, and other lands there are words that are not understood other than very obscurely. But as soon as they begin to think of the things they contain, they see many things in that word, fully according to [their] understanding of the things it contains. There are words like this from the Lord in the Word throughout coming from the innermost heaven, sometimes written in a similar style, but then there are arcane things in the sound of the vowels and the cadence of the consonants, which also have their sounds from these in different ways depending on the thing contained and being manifested. Sometimes too the letters of words are written using curves that contain secrets of heaven. This was heard from those where there is such a Word. The Word is held holy by them on this account, for they know that infinite things are contained also in this manner.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5965

5965. Hence may be manifest of what sort writings, also, are in heaven, namely, that there are words which contain more than those who read know for they said that, instead of Egypt, Assyria and other countries, are words which are not understood, except very obscurely, in their place; but that, as soon as they come to a knowledge of the things which they contain, they see clearly the many things in a word, according to their understanding of the matters which they contain. There are such terms from the Lord here and there in the Word out of the inmost heaven, sometimes written in a like style; but then there are there arcana in the sound of the vowels, and the flow of the consonants; which also have their sounds thence, with a variety according to the matter which is contained and manifested. Sometimes, also, the letters of the words are written by curvatures, which also contain arcana of heaven. This was heard from those where the Word is of such a character. By them the Word is esteemed holy on this account; for they know that even infinite things are thus contained.

Experientiae Spirituales 5965 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5965. Inde constare potest, quales scripturae etiam in coelo sint, quod nempe voces sint quae contineant plura quam ipsi qui legunt, sciunt, dixerunt enim quod loco Aegypti, Aschuris, aliorumque sint voces quae non intelliguntur quam maxime obscure loco illarum, sed ut primum in cognitionem rerum, quas continent, veniunt, quod videant in voce illa plura, plane secundum intellectum rerum quas continet; tales voces sunt a Domino in Verbo passim ex coelo intimo, simili quandoque stylo scriptae, sed tunc sunt res arcanae in sono vocalium et in consonantium fluxione ibi, quae etiam suos sonos inde habent cum varietate secundum rem quae continetur et manifestatur: aliquoties etiam sunt literae vocum scriptae per curvaturas, quae etiam arcana coeli continent: hoc auditum ex illis ubi tale Verbum est; ab illis Verbum propterea sanctum habetur, nam sciunt quod etiam sic infinita contineantur.

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