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《灵界经历》 第5964节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5964

5964. About the Word in Heaven

Certain societies there have the Word written in accord with the spiritual meaning in respect to many things. There, for the names of persons, kingdoms, places there are words that only the wiser of them understand, for these words enfold many secrets pertaining to the thing meant by the name, which no one can unfold other than those who know these secrets. And in so far as they know, they see, because the words and things written in heaven are such that one word can contain many secrets of the nature of those in the innermost heaven, for they are enfolded in that word by vowels as to the tone and by the consonants as to thought.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5964


Certain societies there possess the Word, written, as regards many things, according to the spiritual sense; where, instead of names of persons, kingdoms and places, there are words which are not understood save by their wiser ones; for those words involve numerous arcana of the matter signified by the name, which no others can unfold but those who know those arcana; and, in the proportion that they know, in the same proportion they see. For words and writings in heaven, are of such a nature that a single word can comprehend many such arcana as are in the inmost heaven; for they are enwrapped in that word, by vowels as regards the sound, and by consonants as regards the sense.

Experientiae Spirituales 5964 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5964. De Verbo in Coelo

Quaedam societates ibi habent Verbum scriptum quoad plura secundum sensum spiritualem, ubi pro nominibus personarum, regnorum, locorum sunt voces quas non intelligunt nisi sapientiores illorum, voces enim illae involvunt plura arcana rei quae significatur per nomen, quae evolvere non possunt alii quam qui illa arcana sciunt, et quantum sciunt tantum vident; nam voces et scripturae in coelo tales sunt ut una vox possit comprehendere plura arcana, qualia sunt in coelo intimo, sunt enim involuta illi voci per vocales quoad sonum et per consonantes quoad intellectum.

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