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《灵界经历》 第5969节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5969

5969. Also, many of them were leading the thoughts of people who were below, both when these were thinking in themselves and when in their public office. Their delight was to be as it were in these people and produce their thought. But they were all thrown out. It was said to them that everyone ought to think for oneself, and because they are in this position, that it is they who are doing the thinking in society around them and below; that all must be led by the Lord, and that they cannot be led in this way if they were to be thinking in them. For this reason this kind [of spirits] was thrown out.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5969

5969. Many, also, of them, led the thoughts of men who were beneath; both when they thought in private, and when they were in their business. Their delight was as it were to be in these, and to cause them to think; but they were all cast out. They were told that every one ought to think by himself; and, as they are in such an order to the end that they may think in society, round about and beneath, that [therefore] all ought to be led by the Lord; also, that they were unable to be thus led, if they thought in them: wherefore, such ones were cast out.

Experientiae Spirituales 5969 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5969. Plures etiam ex iis ducebant cogitationes hominum qui infra, tam quando cogitabant intra se, quam cum in officio essent, eorum jucundum fuit quasi esse in iis, et facere eos cogitare, sed illi omnes ejecti sunt, dictum illis quod quisque per se cogitare debeat, et quia in eo ordine sunt, ut in societate circum et infra cogitent, quod omnes ducendi sint a Domino, et quod sic non duci possent, si illi cogitarent in illis, quare tales ejecti sunt.

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