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《灵界经历》 第5974节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5974

5974. There was then a conversation about those who appear to come to believe in the final hours of the life, when they take the holy supper. It was asked whether those who have lived evilly and appear to believe are saved. There are many examples in which they say these are saved. They said that they are saved by faith and that the evils of their previous life are not imputed to them. But that this is false was shown to them by many who had such apparent faith and yet are damned, because the way of their previous life returns. It was asked whether they know an instance of those who lived evilly and in the hours approaching death had received faith. Surely when they revived, they lived afterwards as before. They then imagined there were some who said they had come to their senses after an evil life [and received faith]. Those behind them inspired them to say so, lying. From this it was evident that such instances, chiefly in England, were imagined, as certain so said, lying. It is otherwise with those who had previously led a Christian life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5974

5974. There was then a talk about those who, in the last hours of life, appear to believe, and then take the Sacrament of the Supper. It was asked whether those who have lived a bad life, and appear thus to believe, are saved. There are many examples of those who say that such are saved. They replied that they are saved through faith, and that the evils of their past life are not imputed. But it was shown them that this is false, by the cases of many who have been in such appearance of faith and yet were condemned, for with such the past life returns; and it was asked whether they knew an instance of those who have lived ill, and in the hours near death have received their faith, who, when they recovered, have not lived afterwards just as before. They then produced certain ones at the back of the evil; and these evil stated that the others afterwards recovered; those behind them inspired them to speak so, falsely. From this it was evident that such examples, especially in England, were not genuine, although certain ones falsely so declare. It is different with those who previously lived a Christian life.

Experientiae Spirituales 5974 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5974. Loquela tunc fuit de illis qui in ultimis horis vitae apparent credere, cum sumunt sacramentum coenae, interrogatum num illi qui male vixerunt, et ita apparent credere, an salventur, exempla sunt plura, quod dicant illos salvari, dixerunt quod salventur per fidem, et quod mala vitae anteactae non imputentur, sed quod hoc falsum sit, ostensum illis est a pluribus qui in tali apparentia fidei fuerunt, et usque damnati, apud eos enim vita anteacta redit, et quaesitum num sciant exemplum, quod illi qui male vixerint, et in horis circa mortem receperunt eorum fidem, annon cum resipuerunt, vixerint similiter postea ut prius, tunc supposuerunt aliquos post malos qui dixerunt quod postea resipuerint, illi post eos inspirarunt ita dicere, mentiendo, ex quo patuit quod talia exempla, in Anglia praecipue, supposita fuerint, ut quidam ita dicerent mentiendo. Aliter apud illos qui vitam Christianam prius egerunt.

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