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《灵界经历》 第5975节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5975

5975. Love was then spoken of, but most of them did not know what love is, it was asked whether they knew, and because there were some of them who declared a belief in faith alone, certain did not wish to hear, saying that they did not care to know, since faith alone saves. Therefore it was said to them that love is spoken of many times in the Word, and indeed by the Lord, that it is to keep the commandments, for He said that he who keeps my words loves Me; he who does not, does not love [John 14:23-24]; and in Paul, that if there is the greatest faith and there is not love, it is still nothing [1 Cor. 13:2]. But they did not at all understand this, because they did not wish to understand. The nature of the church at the present day is evident from this.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5975

5975. Then love was mentioned; but most of them did not know what love is. It was asked whether they knew and, as some who have acknowledged faith alone were willing indeed to hear - saying, [however] that they are not anxious about knowing, since faith alone saves - they were told, that it is often mentioned in the Word and by the Lord, that it is doing the commandments for He said, it is he who doeth My words that loveth Me; and, he who doth not do, loveth not; 1it is also said by Paul, that, should there be the greatest faith and not love, it is still of nothing. 2But they did not at all understand these things, because they were unwilling to understand. From this it was evident what is the quality of the Church at the present day.


1. John 14:23, 24.

2. 1 Corinthians 13:2.

Experientiae Spirituales 5975 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5975. Nominabatur tunc amor, sed plerique ex illis non sciebant quid amor, quaesitum num scirent, et quia aliquorum qui solam fidem confessi sunt, quidam noluerunt audire, dicentes quod non curent scire, quoniam fides sola salvat, [ideo] dictum illis quod toties nominetur in Verbo, et a Domino quod sit facere praecepta, dixit enim qui facit verba mea, quod amet Me, qui non facit quod non amet [Joh. XIV: 23-24], et apud Paulum, quod si maxima fides sit, et non amor, quod usque nihil sit [I Cor. XIII: 2], sed haec prorsus non intellexerunt, quia non intelligere volebant, ex his patuit qualis est Ecclesia hodie.

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