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《灵界经历》 第5987节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5987

5987. Certain Zinzendorfians who believe more than rest that truth is what their doctrine authoritatively teaches do not see these crossed beams, because they firmly believe that this is not the case. I saw one of them crossing roads through crossbeams without having seen them. It was said that he does not see these beams, or rather roadblocks, because he had believed himself to be sincere and truthful, when yet he was insincere and untruthful. On account of this he was driven away. It was Levi 1the printer.


1. Dr. Achatius Kahl says that this is "without doubt, John Lewis, the London printer, and editor of Arcana Coelestia" (Narratiunculae 24).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5987

5987. Certain Zinzendorfians, who, more than others, believe that whatever their doctrine dictates is true, do not see those crossbeams, because they firmly believe that it is not so. I saw one of them crossing the roads through the crossbeams, without having seen them. It was also stated that the reason he does not see those crossbeams, or bars, is because he believed himself to be sincere and true, when, nevertheless, he was insincere and false; wherefore, he was driven away. It was Levi, 1the printer.


1. Dr. Achatius Kahl, in his Narratiunculoe (p. 24), says that this is, "without doubt, John Lewis, the London printer, and editor of The Arcana Coelestia."

Experientiae Spirituales 5987 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5987. Zinzendorfiani quidam qui credunt prae aliis verum esse quod doctrina illorum dictat, non vident transtra illa, quia credunt firmiter quod non ita sit, vidi aliquem eorum transire vias per transtra nec vidisse illa, etiam dictum quod non videat transtra seu repagula illa, ex causa quia credidit se sincerus et verus esse, cum tamen erat insincerus et inverus, quare abactus est, erat Levi typographus.

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