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《灵界经历》 第5986节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5986

5986. About roads and how they are laid out, and about roadblocks

It is possible for spirits to walk and go along roads they see. Everyone sees a road, depending on his affection, and thus on his thought. Nevertheless there are many roads blocked by crossbeams on which travel is not permitted, because when it is, those below and those above suffer, certain feel anguish and certain grief, because lower and higher things have been so arranged by the Lord that there is also an indirect inflow from higher things into lower one, and so forth.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5986


It is granted spirits to go and proceed along roads, which they see; and everyone sees a road in agreement with his affection, and the thought thence. But yet, many ways are blocked with crossbeams which it is not allowed to pass over, because those above and those below then suffer; some experience chokings, some pains - for lower and higher things are so arranged by the Lord that there is also a mediate influx from higher into lower and so forth.

Experientiae Spirituales 5986 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5986. De viis et ordinatione eorum, ac repagulis

Datur spiritibus ire et progredi vias, quas vident, et quisque videt viam secundum ejus affectionem et inde cogitationem; sed usque plures viae sunt obstipatae transtris quas non ire conceditur, quia tunc illi qui infra et qui supra patiuntur, quidam in angores et quidam in dolores veniunt, nam a Domino inferiora et superiora ita ordinata sunt, ut influxus etiam mediatus sit a superioribus in inferiora, et sic porro.

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