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《灵界经历》 第5991节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5991

5991. How Spirits are also examined through the roads [they take] as well as by [their] places in the house

Spirits are examined in various ways, especially by turning [them] around and inspecting the back of their head, where if they are ugly they know there are affections for evil.

Besides this,

1. ) they are recognized from the roads they are taking, because they immediately know from the direction in which they are heading what they are like; for roads are opened to those who are going there, and not elsewhere; they also are aware of whether they are traveling roads not permitted to others, both those who are good and those who are evil.

2. ) They also know their nature from where their residences are in the city, for everyone has a residence in it according to his or her nature; this is known from the section and from the distance from the center.

3. ) They stand the same way in meetings and

4. ) and are seated the same way in Churches.

5. ) They are seated the same way in homes. Everyone knows their seat in a room and is recognized from this.

6. ) They live in houses in the same way; they go into that part of the house that agrees [with their nature].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5991


Spirits are explored in various ways, especially by being turned round and round and by inspections in the back of the head - where, if wicked, the [explorers] perceive that they are of an evil affection.

Moreover, they are distinguished by the paths in which they walk; for they at once know to which quarter those of such and such a quality incline, for to those who go about ways are opened, and they go nowhere else. And both good and evil are also aware whether, or not, the paths they follow are allowed to others.

(2) They are also aware what their quality is, from their habitations in the town; for all dwell in it according to their quality: this [is known] from the quarters, and from distance from the center.

(3) They stand in like manner in assemblies, and

(4), sit in like manner in church.

(5) They sit in the same way in the houses; everyone knows his seat in a room, and is known from it.

(6) They dwell in their houses in the same manner; for they go to that part of the house which corresponds [to their quality].

Experientiae Spirituales 5991 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5991. Quomodo explorantur Spiritus etiam per vias ac sedibus in domo

Explorantur spiritus variis modis, imprimis per circumversiones et inspectiones in occipitio, ubi si turpes, sciunt quod malae affectionis sint.

Praeterea [1)] dignoscuntur per vias quas eunt, sciunt enim statim ad quam plagam tendunt quales sunt, nam viae illis qui vadunt apertae sunt, et non alibi, cognoscunt etiam num vadant vias quas aliis non licet tam boni quam mali.

2) Sciunt etiam quales sunt ex habitationibus eorum in urbe, nam omnes ibi habitant secundum quale eorum, hoc ex plagis et ex distantia a centro.

3) Similiter stant in coetibus et

4) similiter sedent in Templis.

5) Similiter sedent in domibus, quisque novit suam sedem in camera, et inde cognoscitur.

6) Similiter habitant in domibus, eunt enim in illam partem domus quae correspondet.

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