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《灵界经历》 第6001节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6001

6001. Then faith, and the nature of that faith was exhibited in the case of a certain spirit, namely, that it is entirely different, diverse and complex, in proportion as it is joined to affection, thus that it is such as is the nature of the affection, and that it is filthy and deformed, dreadful, when joined to an evil affection. And yet it was believed that it was faith, when nonetheless it is not faith unless faith's truth has been joined to spiritual affection, that is, to charity's goodness. These things also were portrayed, and thus it was clearly shown what faith alone is and that there is no faith and nothing saving [where there is faith alone], but that it is a persuaded faith, or more precisely, historical faith, and in fact that it is adultery, that is to say, a union with a filthy love, such as the love of oneself etc.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6001

6001. It was afterwards presented to sight, in the case of a certain spirit, what, and of what nature, is faith: namely, that it is entirely different, various and multiple, according as it is conjoined with affection; consequently, that it is such as the affection is; and that, when adjoined to an evil affection, it is base, hideous and dreadful, and still is believed to be faith when, nevertheless, there is no faith unless the truth of faith be conjoined with spiritual affection, or with the good of charity. These things were also represented and it was thus clearly shown what faith alone is, namely, that there does not exist faith alone which is also saying but that it is either persuasive faith, or historical faith; yea, that it is an adultery, or conjunction with a filthy love, as with self-love, etc.

Experientiae Spirituales 6001 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6001. Dein sistebatur videndum in quodam spiritu quid fides et qualis, quod prorsus alia, varia, multiplex, sicut conjungitur affectioni, ita quod talis sit qualis affectio, et quod foeda, deformis, et horrenda cum adjuncta affectioni malae, et usque creditum quod esset fides, cum tamen non est fides nisi verum fidei conjunctum sit affectioni spirituali seu bono charitatis: haec quoque repraesentata sunt, et sic clare ostensum quid sola fides, quod non detur fides sola et salvans, sed quod sit fides persuasiva vel fides historica, imo quod sit adulterium seu conjunctio cum foedo amore, ut cum amore sui etc.

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