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《灵界经历》 第6000节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6000

6000. Spirits are their affection, and people's faith is such as is the nature of their affection

A few months after his death, I spoke with a certain spirit who had been King of England, saying that a spirit is his own affection, which is evident from the fact that his facial expression varies in so far as another spirit speaks in agreement with his affection or in opposition to it, or if it is entirely opposite, he vanishes without going through doors, and no one knows how. What happened then was that one spirit was enabled to change the affections of another in many ways and that his facial expression varied similarly. He was given the ability to change the nature of the affections that were in him, and eventually, when he had instilled the opposite of the dominant affection, the other spirit was not seen.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6000


I spoke [with] a certain spirit who had been King of England, 1a month after his death, remarking that a spirit is his own affection, as may be manifest from this, that his face is changed according as another speaks in agreement with his affection or in opposition to it, indeed, if altogether contrary to it, that he vanishes, and does not depart through the door, nor is it known how. It then appeared that it was granted a certain spirit to change the affections in another, in many ways, and that his face was varied in a similar manner. It was granted him to shape affections which were in him; and, at length, when he suggested things contrary to the reigning affection, the other no longer appeared.


1. This must have been George II. For, n, 6008, below, was written about 15th August, 1761; n, 5994, above, "12th June" [1760 or 1761]; and n, 5980, about "13th Dec., 1759." George II. died 25th Oct., 1760. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 6000 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6000. Quod spiritus sit sua affectio, et quod fides talis sit qualis est hominis affectio

Loquutus sum [cum] spiritu quodam, qui fuerat Rex Angliae mense post obitum ejus, quod spiritus sit sua affectio, quod pateat ex eo, quod ejus facies varietur sicut cum ejus affectione vel contra illam alter loquitur, imo si prorsus contra illam quod evanescat, nec exeat per fores, nec sciatur quomodo: dein factum est, quod alicui spiritui datum sit immutare affectiones apud alium multis modis, et quod similiter variaretur facies ejus, datum est formare affectiones quae fuerunt apud eum, et tandem cum contrarium affectioni dominanti 1

insinuaret quod non appareret.


1. in ms. contra affectionem dominantem in contrarium affectioni dominanti imperfecte emendatum

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