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《灵界经历》 第6008节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6008

6008. About spirits who bring on disagreeable drowsiness, scarcely actual sleep and yet not wakefulness

I had fallen into a depressed and disagreeable state of sleep several times, and in this state had bad thoughts נfor there is this kind of drowsy thought at these times, and on awakening I saw ahead at some distance spirits, chiefly of the female sex, who were playing a game among themselves with their hands like boxers, and then they rushed into a house ahead. The atmosphere was fiery and the spirits of similar complexion. They appeared naked. And I was told that they were from among those people who had not wanted to learn anything and consequently had no liking for knowing or doing anything, on account of which these women have become stupid. They are forbidden to go out of the house ahead, but nevertheless they do go out. Certain hard-working spirits are set over them, but they sometimes put them into such a drowsy state, which they call putting [someone] into a sack. They cannot be restrained by punishments because they forget the punishments. If there are some who do not forget they are separated, because they can be somewhat reformed, likewise those of them who say they would rather do something constructive. The rest are sent into a desert places outside the societies, where there are others like them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6008


I had fallen several times into a state of sleep, sad and horrible in character, and, in that horrible state, thought - for there is, at these times, such drowsy thought and, on awaking, I saw spirits, principally of the female sex, at some distance to the front, who sportively fenced with the hands, like persons fighting, and then darted into a house in front. There was an atmosphere of a fiery appearance, and the spirits were of a similar color. They appeared naked; and it was told me that they were of those men who were unwilling to learn anything, and hence had no affection of knowing and doing anything at all; on which account they became stupid, and hence induce such stupor as above described. They are forbidden to go out of the house at the front; but still they go out. Certain industrious spirits are placed before them; but they sometimes put these into that state of drowsiness, which they call putting into the bag. They can not be cured by punishments, as they forget punishments. If there are any who do not forget, they are separated, for they may be in some measure reformed; in like manner, those of them who say that they are quite willing to do something. The rest are sent to desert places outside of societies, where others like them are.

Experientiae Spirituales 6008 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6008. De spiritibus qui inducunt somnolentiam tetram, vix somnus et non vigilia

Cecideram aliquoties in statum somni tristis et tetri, et in eo statu tetra cogitavi, est enim tunc talis cogitatio somnolentiae, et evigilatus vidi spiritus praecipue ex faemineo sexu antrorsum ad aliquam distantiam, qui ludebant inter se manibus sicut qui pugnant, et dein proripiebant se in domum antrorsum, erat atmosphaera ab igneo, et spiritus simili colore, apparebant nudi; et dictum est mihi quod essent ex illis hominibus qui nihil discere voluerunt, et inde nullam affectionem aliquid sciendi et faciendi habuerunt, unde stupidae factae sunt, inde talem stuporem inducunt: prohibitum est illis exire domo antrorsum, sed usque exeunt; praeponuntur illis quidam spiritus industrii, sed illos quandoque in talem somnolentiae statum mittunt, quod vocant mittere in saccum; non abduci possunt per poenas, quia poenarum obliviscuntur: si aliqui sunt qui non obliviscuntur, separantur quia possunt aliquantum reformari; similiter illi ex iis qui dicunt se potius velle aliquid facere: reliqui mittuntur in loca deserta extra societates, ubi similes alii sunt.

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