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《灵界经历》 第6009节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6009

6009. About Ulrica Eleonora

15. Aug. 1761. In the morning an elegant carriage in which was a magnificently clothed man appeared to me, and soon too a young woman like a plain-looking servant girl, with the Word in hand. It was Ulrica Eleonora in this state. I did not then know where she came from or who she was. When the carriage drove past the man called her to climb up to him into the carriage, which she was reluctant to do, but did when persuaded. The man was from Germany, from a certain duchy there. He had died as a boy and like her had studied the Word and loved reflecting on spiritual truth. So the two were drawn through various societies, and so they came in states of mind that were pleasing to them, and also into friendship, or rather into married states. From there they were [drawn] into a magnificent hall.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6009


On the 15th day of August 1761, there appeared to me at morning-tide, a handsome carriage, in which was a man magnificently clothed, and also soon afterwards a certain maiden, as it were a maid-servant, with a very commonplace countenance, having something in her hand. It was Ulrica Eleonora in that state; unaware, at the time, whence and who she was. When the carriage drove past, the man invited her to come up to him into the carriage, which she was reluctant to do, but, being pressed, she did it. That man was from Germany, from a certain duchy there, and had died when a boy, and, like her, had studied the Word, and had loved the knowledges of spiritual truth. Thus the two were conveyed through various societies, and so put on the states befitting them, and also the associate, or conjugial, states: thence [they were conveyed] to a magnificent palace.

Experientiae Spirituales 6009 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6009. De Ulrica Eleonora

Die 15 Aug. 1761, tempore matutino apparuit mihi elegans currus in quo vir magnifice vestitus, et mox etiam aliqua virgo sicut ancilla facie communi cum Verbo in manu, erat Ulrica Eleonora in illo statu, tunc nesciens ego unde et quaenam, dum currus praetervectus vir vocavit eam, ut ascenderet ad se in currum, quod illa aegre faciebat, sed persuasa id fecit, vir ille fuit e Germania ex quodam ducatu ibi, qui mortuus puer, et similiter ac illa studuerat Verbo, et amaverat cognitiones veri spiritualis, sic bini vecti sunt per varias societates, et sic induerunt status illis convenientes, et quoque socios seu status conjugiales, inde in aulam magnificam [vecti].

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