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《灵界经历》 第6012节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6012

6012. About the new heavens, which are perishing

It was said to me that such heavens, in which the inward elements are evil but outwardly are good, are formed also after the last judgment, but in a diminished form. However, they are in turn continually being destroyed and afterwards are destroyed by themselves by the proximity of good angels, because when angelic heavens are in proximity, there is no longer a connection with them [the new heavens] as before, but they collapse of themselves. It happens afterwards this way: They said that the number of those who are in these heavens or societies is diminished in stages. Day by day many are leaving. It was given to see one heaven like this formed of Catholics in the western region midway toward the south that was broken up. It consisted of about 800 to a 1000. A certain one was with me, namely, the one from Uppsala [at the Vatican] in Rome who had accepted the Catholic religion. 1I actually spoke with him quite extensively. Nevertheless, he shared these things with the Catholics and afterwards went to that society, through which there had been communication with the society in which I am, and as a result they were greatly disturbed so that they ran about saying that now their judgment, or in other words, their dispersal is coming, and indeed in every part they soon began to go out of their society, which was a city, from every side. The monks told them that they should stay, but they replied that they wanted to stay but could not, and that some force coming from within, which they could not resist, drove them, and also that the same force separated them and drove some here and some there, so everyone to their own place. Where this force came from they didn't know, but it was clear that it came from within; to be more precise, outward pleasure moved them to want to stay, but they were acting from something within that had now been opened to them which outward pleasure could not withstand. But as they went somewhat away, there also came a pleasure in going away, because it follows in proportion to the diminution of the outward pleasure.

[2] It was said that they were not from the common folk, but from such as in the world did nothing other than socialize and chat. Thus they passed the moment and day in pleasantness and pretense. They also said they did nothing else there than look for social life so that there they could chat, eat, play instruments too, and occasionally dance; so they spent their whole life in pleasure. They said that Monks had persuaded them to do so, because they too carried on such a life, saying that now they are in the heavens and that therefore this is permissible for them. But the better of them said that if they spent such a life that they soon would be reduced to nothing and that they ought to be involved in services to society, or do something useful at home. But they replied that they had tried this but that they could not do it because it was sad and unpleasant to them. It may be that some of those who were engaged in some task stayed, and some were sent into good societies.

After this I saw similar dissolutions of societies that were just beginning take place in many other places, so that it happens continuously. From this is evident that all go off to places agreeable to their disposition, depending on the nature of their outward pleasures, but that afterwards they are sent into their inward pleasures, and thus their societies are continually being dispersed.

They said also that they noticed that when they were together in that society they were influenced from below, and if they admitted influence from those above, their pleasures were upset.


1. At this point in the margin are the words, "It was Larman"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6012


It was told me that such heavens, in which the interiors are evil, although those there are good, are formed even after the last judgment, but in a diminished form but yet they are in their turn destroyed, and afterwards destroyed of themselves, through the proximity of good angels; for, when the angelic heavens are near at hand, there then no longer exists a connection with them, as previously; but they collapse of themselves. This is how it occurs hereafter. They said, that those who are in those heavens, or societies, are gradually lessened in number; and for many days go away. It was granted me to see one such heaven formed by Catholics, in the western quarter towards the south in a middle distance, which was dissolved. They were composed of about 800 to 1000. There was a certain one of them with me; namely, one who was at Rome from Upsal: he had embraced the Catholic religion. 2I spoke with him, and indeed quite agreeably. But still he communicated those things to the Catholics, and afterwards went to that society; by which means communication was effected with the society in which I am; and hence [they] were exceedingly disturbed, so that they ran about, hither and thither, saying that now their judgment, or dispersion, is come, and thereupon also began to go forth from every part of their society, which was a city, from every direction. The monks told them to remain; but they replied that they wished to remain but could not, and that some force from the interior, which they could not resist, impels them and also that the same force separates them, and drives some hither, and some thither, thus, everyone to his place. Whence that force came they did not know but it is manifest that it is from the interior; that, namely, it was from exterior delight that they wished to remain, but were driven from interior, which was now opened to them, and which the exterior delight was not able to resist; and when they went somewhat away, then also came the delight of going away, this being according to diminution of the [former] exterior [delight]. It was stated that they were not of the common people, but of such as, in the world, did nothing but go into society and chat, and so spent the time, even whole days, in pleasures and amusements. They also said, that there they did nothing else than seek company in order to chat there. They ate they also played on instruments; some times they danced; so that they spent their whole life in pleasures. They said that the monks persuaded them to do so, because they also lived such a life, saying that they are now in heaven, and that it is allowed them on that account; but the better ones of their number said that if they live such a life, they must shortly be dispersed, and that they ought to be engaged in work, doing something useful at home. But they replied that they have attempted this, but cannot do it; because to them it is unpleasing and depressing. But, of those who were engaged in any work, a part remained in straits, and part were sent into good societies.

I afterwards saw similar dissolutions of commenced societies occur in many other places, so that this is constantly going on. It was hence manifest that they all go away to places suited to their dispositions, according to their externals, but that they are afterwards let into their interiors; and in this way their societies are constantly being dissolved.

They also said, that they observed that they had influx from lower spirits, when they were together in that society and that, if they received any from higher ones, their delights were disturbed.


1. These are evidently fictitious heavens," of the same character with the which, under the name of "former heavens," are declared in Rev. 21:1, to have "passed away," respecting which see AR 877, and, still more in detail, AR 885.

2. In the margin: "It was Larman."

Experientiae Spirituales 6012 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6012. De novis coelis, qui pereunt

Dictum est mihi quod tales coeli, in quibus interiores mali sed exterius boni sunt, post ultimum judicium etiam formentur, sed in exigua forma, at usque per vices destruantur, et postea destruantur a se per vicinias bonorum angelorum, nam cum coeli angelici in vicinis sunt, tunc non amplius datur nexus cum illis, ut prius, sed ex se collabuntur, ita fit posthac. Dicebant quod illi qui in illis coelis seu societatibus sunt, diminuantur successive, quod indies plures abeant, datum est videre unum tale coelum formatum a Catholicis in plaga occidentali versus meridiem in media distantia, quod dissolvebatur, constabant circiter a 800 ad, 1000, quidam erat apud me, 1

nempe ille qui Romae fuit ex Upsala, qui acceptaverat Catholicam religionem, cum quo loquutus sum, et quidem satis bene, sed usque communicabat illa cum Catholicis, et postea ivit ad illam societatem, per quod communicatio facta est cum societate in qua ego sum, et inde turbabantur valde, sic ut huc illuc discurrerent, dicentes quod nunc veniat illorum judicium seu dissipatio, et mox etiam incipiebant omni parte exire suae societatis, quae fuit urbs, ab undequaque; Monachi dicebant eis ut remanerent, sed responderunt, quod vellent remanere, sed non possent, et quod aliqua vis ex interiore illos agat, cui resistere non possent, et quoque quod eadem vis separet illos, et agat quosdam huc et quosdam illuc, sic quemvis ad suum locum; unde vis illa veniebat, nesciebant, sed patet quod ab interiore, nempe quod ex jucundo exteriore vellent remanere, sed ex interiore, quod nunc apertum eis fuit, agerent, cui exterius jucundum non resistere posset; at cum aliquantum abirent, tunc etiam venit jucundum abeundi, quia secundum diminutionem exterioris. Dictum quod illi essent non ex communi plebe, sed ex talibus, qui nihil in mundo fecerunt, nisi quam conversari, confabulari et sic tempus et dies in amaenitatibus et ludibriis peregerunt, dicebant etiam quod ibi non aliud fecerint, quam quaerere conversationes ut ibi confabularentur, comedebant, ludebant etiam instruentis, quandoque saltabant, sic ut in amaenis agerent omnem vitam, dixerunt quod Monachi persuaserint ad id, quia etiam illi talem vitam egerunt, dicentes quod nunc in coelis sint, et quod hoc illis licitum sit propterea; at meliores eorum dixerunt, quod si talem vitam agant, quod brevi dissipentur, et quod debeant in operibus esse, aliquid utile facere domi, sed responderunt quod hoc conati sint, sed quod non possent quia illis inamaenum et triste: illi autem qui in aliquo labore essent, partim forte remanserunt, et partim in bonas societates missi sint. Postea vidi pluribus aliis in locis similes dissolutiones inchoatarum societatum fieri, sic ut hoc continue fiat; inde patuit, quod omnes secundum externa sua abeant ad loca animis eorum convenientia, sed quod postea in interiora sua mittantur, et sic societates illorum jugiter dissolvantur. Dixerunt etiam quod animadverterint quod influxum habuerint, dum in societate illa simul fuerunt, ex inferioribus, et si reciperent ex superioribus, quod jucunda illorum perturbarentur.


1. Sidebar: Erat Larman

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