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《灵界经历》 第6013节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6013

6013. About those who live in fantasies, about Kalsenius 1

I saw him going from his place to someone, Cha[rles] XII 2, along with a certain count. He looked quite dark on the top of his youthful head, and his companion black as a demon. And when he came to him, he very arrogantly said that he does great things and greater then a certain other; and when he was examined they were things that he had balled together that were worthless dung. Because he viewed things from fantasies, he believed that they were greater and more magnificent than what others in the world did. After he had returned he said that he had seen many things that he said were magnificent when nevertheless they were nothing, because whatever came to his thought, this he regarded as being a reality. He became like this because in the world he believed that man from his own personal power controls his own affairs, and not the Divine, and that everything in the world is natural and not Divine, although when he preached and thought about the things he preached, it appeared as if he believed in the Divine things, but this was a persuasive faith that was in his memory. They were matters of faith to him because they were means to honors and to gain. After this Char[les] XII became like this and said that he saw all thoughts in forms, then armies and battles, now other amazing phenomena, depending entirely on the thoughts of his spirit, and that he was delighted with those things just as he was delighted with his own thoughts, even filthy ones. It was said that others near him did not see anything.


1. For information on this person see footnote to passage 4842.

2. For information on this person see footnote to passage 4704.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6013


I saw him doing from his place to a certain one - Ch[arles] XII - with a certain companion. He appeared exceedingly dark on top of his well-dressed head, and his companion black as a demon. And when he came to him [i. e., to Charles] he said very pompously that he does great things, and greater than a certain other one; and, when explored as to what he did, there were some things which he had raked together, which were filthy and ordurous. Inasmuch as he saw these things from phantasy, he believed that they were greater and more splendid than anything that others in the world did. Afterwards he returned, and said that he sees many things, which, he said, were magnificent; when, nevertheless, there was not anything for whatever occurs to his thought, this he sees as if it were real. He became thus, because he believed in the world that man disposes all his affairs from his own proper power, and not that the Divine does it; and that in the world the natural, and not the Divine, was all, although, when he preached, and reflected upon those things which he preached, it appeared as though he believed in the Divine. But it was persuasive faith, which is in the memory and it was his faith, because these things were the means of honors and emoluments. Afterwards, Char[les] XII became like this; and he said that he sees in thoughts in forms, at one time armies and battles, at another, other marvelous things, exactly according to the thought of his spirit; and that he took delight in them, just as he delighted in his thoughts, even filthy ones. It was also stated that others near him did not see anything.

Experientiae Spirituales 6013 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6013. De illis qui in phantasia sunt, de Kalsenio

Vidi illum ex suo loco euntem ad quendam Ca. XII, cum quodam comite, ipse apparuit valde obscurus super capite viride, et comes ejus niger sicut daemon, et cum ad illum venit, dixit fastuosissime, quod magna faciat, et majora quam alius quidam, et cum explorabatur quid faceret, erant talia quae conglomeraret, quae erant vilia et fimi, haec quia ex phantasia videbat, credidit quod majora et magnificentiora essent, quam quod alii in mundo facerent, postea reversus dixit quod multa videat, quae dixit quod magnifica essent, cum tamen non erat aliquid, quia quicquid obvenit cogitationi suae, hoc videt sicut esset reale; talis factus est, quia credidit in mundo, quod homo ex propria potentia disponat omnia sua, et non Divinum, et quod naturale esset omne in mundo, et non Divinum, tametsi cum praedicavit et cogitavit de iis quae praedicaret, appareret sicut crederet Divina, sed id erat fides persuasiva quae in memoria, quae illi fidei quia erant media ad honores et ad lucra. Postea factus est Car. XII talis, et dixit quod videat omnes cogitationes in formis, tum exercitus et pugnas, nunc mirabilia alia, prorsus secundum cogitationes sui spiritus, et quod delectatus illis sicut delectatus suis cogitationibus, etiam spurcis, et dicebatur quod alii prope illum non viderint aliquid.

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