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《灵界经历》 第6016节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6016

6016. About cruelty

[About] the son, Erik B[enzelstjerna]

There was a certain one who was cruel, Er[ik] Benz[elstjerna] 1, the son, for he took delight in injuries and killings when he saw them. He was among such as are cruel, with whom I spoke. They said that they lie for a long time, and have lain, and have done so for a long time virtually half-dead until it [the cruelty] abated, and after this were, as it were resuscitated. They are wise about nothing, therefore they have no noses. It was also this way with him. Their places are in the furthest end of the west, beyond the lands there.


1. Probably the son of Lars Benzelstjerna, whom Swedenborg notes in [6110 1/2] as having made attempts on his life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6016


There was a certain one (Eric Benz[elius] the son) who was cruel; for he took delight in injuries and killings, when he saw them. He was among such as were cruel; with whom I spoke. They said that they lie for a long while, and have lain here for a considerable time, as though half-dead, until that [cruelty] is quenched, and afterwards they are as it were resuscitated. They are without discernment; wherefore they have no noses; and some have an insufficiency of nose; for they are incapable of possessing perception. Thus, also, it was with him. Their places are in the extremity of the west, above the lands there.

Experientiae Spirituales 6016 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6016. De crudelitate

[De] filio Erik B.

Erat quidam qui crudelis, Er. Benz. filius, delectatus enim est damnis et necibus cum videret illa, ille inter tales erat, qui crudeles, cum quibus loquutus, dicebant quod diu jaceant, et jacuerint, et hoc per multum temporis sicut semimortui, usque dum id sedatum est, et postea quasi resuscitati non sapiunt, quare illis nasi non sunt, et quibusdam parum nasi, nam non possunt perceptionem habere: ita quoque erat cum illo, loca eorum sunt in extremitate occidentis, supra terras ibi.

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