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《灵界经历》 第6015节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6015

6015. About the place where sensual spirits are

Char[les] XII 1

Far in the north, near the west, is a place where those are who are purely sensual. They say that they know everything and that they see more clearly than others that a thing is one way and not another, for example, that nature is that from which all things are and not God, and they laugh at those who speak about such things which they do not see and touch. It is a hell within the hell there where they are more deeply sensual. Certain ones were sent there to see the places. They said that they saw almost nothing in their rooms. Certain ones dimly saw something. Those who were there said they saw everything clearly, and those who were more deeply sensual said that they saw still more. This they value there because they are more deeply sensual. There were tables, chairs, and the like. Char[les] XII, who is sensual, was sent there and spoke just as they. He also was a judge for them. When he came in he was naked and wanted clothing. He was told that clothes hung on the wall, which he put on. So he left earlier things behind.


1. For information on this person see footnote to passage 4704.

6018. 1About clothes and its correspondences

When C[harles] XII came into the place of the sensual, then he appeared naked and wanted clothes. It was said that clothes hung on the wall. First he put on boxor 2, then an undergarment, then the rest of the clothes. By this he laid aside communication with those who had not been sensual, and put on communication with the sensual, as a result of which he became sensual.ؓomething similar happened with another, Wolf 3who appeared naked to himself, but other clothes were given to him. By this, communication with those with whom he might not communicate was taken away and communication was given with those with whom he would communicate. Their clothes correspond to them.

[2] I have experienced a similar thing in my own case, and I realize that when naked, I communicated with those who were from the heavenly kingdom, and when dressed in an undergarment, I communicated with those who are from the spiritual kingdom. And it was also made possible for me to see that they made clothes according to correspondences, which they could change; and that by putting on clothes, communications were varied. Especially is this the case with hats and caps, but these things are magical tricks, which are abolished. In a word, everyone is clothed according to state of their understanding.


1. Following the author's instructions I have inserted this paragraph here.

2. Swedish for "trousers"

3. Probably Christian Wolff (less correctly Wolf; also known as Wolfius), German philospher.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6015


Far away in the north, near the west, is a place where those are who are merely sensual. They say that they know all things, and that they see more clearly that others that a thing is so-and-so and not otherwise - for example, that it is nature, and not God, from which all things are - and who scoff at those who talk about such things as they do not see and touch. There is a hell within the hell there, where the more deeply sensual are. Certain ones were sent thither to see the places. They stated, that, in their chambers, they saw almost nothing; some saw something dimly. Those who were there, said that they see everything clearly; and the more sensual of them say that they see still more things there. This they highly value, there; for such are all the more sensual. There were tables, chairs and the like. Char[les] XII, who was sensual, and spoke as they did, was sent there. He is also their judge. When he came inside, he was naked, and wished for clothes. He was told that clothes were hanging on the wall. He took them, and so left the former things.

Experientiae Spirituales 6015 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6015. De loco ubi sensuales

Car. XII

Remote in septentrione juxta occidentem est locus ubi illi sunt qui mere sensuales, illi dicunt quod sciant omnia, et quod clare videant prae aliis quod ita et non aliter sit, ut quod natura sit ex qua omnia et quod non Deus, et qui rident illos, qui dicunt de talibus quae non vident et tangunt; est infernum intra infernum ibi ubi magis sensuales; quidam illuc missi sunt visuri loca, dixerunt quod in cameris illorum paene nihil viderent, quidam obscure aliquid, illi qui ibi dicebant quod videant clare omnia: et qui plus sensuales sunt, dicunt quod adhuc plura videant, ibi, hoc ibi aestimant, sunt enim magis sensuales; erant mensae, sellae, et similia; illuc missus est Car. XII, qui sensualis, et sicut illi loquutus: est quoque illis judex. Cum intus venit erat nudus, et voluit vestes, dictum ei quod vestes penderent in pariete quas assumsit, sic reliquit priora. =

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