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《灵界经历》 第6018节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6018

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6018


When C[harles] XII. came into the place of the sensual, he appeared naked, and wished for clothes. He was told that clothes were hanging on the wall. He first took trousers, next a shirt, then the remaining garments. By this means he divested himself of communication with those who were not sensual, and acquired communication with the sensual; and, consequently, he became sensual. The like happened with another, Wolf, who appeared to himself naked; but other clothes were bestowed on him, by means of which, communication with those with whom he might not communicate was taken away, and communication given with those with whom he might communicate. Their clothes correspond to them. I have experienced a similar thing in my own case; and perceived that, when naked, I communicated with those who were of the celestial kingdom, and when I lay in my shirt, I communicated with those of the spiritual kingdom. It was also granted me to see that they obtained garments according to correspondences, which they could change, and that by the putting on of clothes, communications were varied. Especially is this the case with hats and bonnets; but these are magical tricks, which are abolished. In one word, everyone is clothed according to the state of his understanding.

Experientiae Spirituales 6018 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6018. 1

De vestibus et earum correspondentia

= Cum C. XII venit in locum sensualium, tunc nudus apparuit, et voluit vestes, dictum est quod vestes penderent in pariete, assumsit primum boxor, 2

dein indusium, tunc vestes reliquas; per id exuit communicationem cum illis qui non sensuales fuerunt, et induit communicationem cum sensualibus, unde sensualis factus. - Simile factum est cum alio, Wolf, qui sibi nudus apparuit, sed ei datae vestes aliae, per quae communicatio adempta est cum illis, cum quibus non communicaret, et communicatio data cum illis cum quibus communicaret; vestes eorum correspondent illis. Simile apud me expertus sum, et percepi quod cum nudus communicarem cum illis qui e regno coelesti fuerunt, et cum jacerem in indusio, communicarem cum illis qui e regno spirituali. Datum etiam est mihi videre, quod pararent vestes ad correspondentias, quas possent mutare, et quod per induitionem vestium communicationes variatae sint; imprimis cum pileis et tiaris, sed haec magica sunt, quae abolentur. Verbo quisquis vestitur secundum statum ejus intellectus.


1. hunc articulum conformiter auctoris indiciis huc inseruimus

2. = braccas (vox suecica)

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