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《灵界经历》 第6019节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6019

6019. 1About Charles XI 2and his queen

When I was in the state of the spirit in the night, I was led by a companion to a certain house. It was built of wood and well designed, and I believed [the resident] to be Charles XI's queen, but previously it had been the wife of some priest. Nevertheless, she was alone without a husband; she lived there. And when I entered I saw on the table a piece of needlework done by her, a beautiful piece. And my companion then spoke with her about a certain thing they held in common. It pertained to that district. She informed him about this, but it was such by a thing as I could not recall in a natural state; it was peculiar to a spiritual state. After this I awoke and spoke with her in a natural state, and I said that I had been brought there by the Lord by that companion on account of evil spirits, who search for me when I'm sleeping and then treacherously attack me, and after this I said who he was, namely Charles XII 3. At the mention and idea of him she recognized him, that he was her son, and she called him Carl in a motherly tone. And after some talk about the circumstances of his boyhood in court, I remembered that the Queen of Sveriae 4had been mother of children of which only C[harles] XII survived. And after this I spoke about the two daughters and their lot and situation. She remembered her husband Charl[es] XI, on which account they came together and mutually recognized themselves and lived together as husband and wife. This happened in 1762 on Jan. 22.


1. Following the author's instruction 6018 is inserted after 6015.

2. King of Sweden 1660-1697.

3. For information on this person see footnote to passage 4704.

4. Swedish word for "Sweden"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6019


When I was in the state of the spirit, at night, I was led by a companion to a certain house which was well constructed of wood; and I believed [the occupant] to be [the wife of Charles XI] but she was, at that time, the wife of some priest, but still was alone, apart from her husband. She dwelt there; and, when I entered, I saw on a slab a piece of needle-work done by her. It was a beautiful work and then my companion spoke with her, about some ordinary matter, which related to that neighborhood, about which she gave him information; but it was such a matter as I was unable to recall in the natural state - it was peculiar to the spiritual state. Afterwards, I awoke and spoke with her, in my natural state, and stated that I had been conducted thither by the Lord, by means of that companion, on account of evil spirits, who, in time of sleep, seek me out and then way-lay me; and I afterwards said who it was [that occasioned this] namely, that it was Charles XII. At the mention and idea of him, Charles XI's [wife] recognized him, as having been her son, and called him Carl in a motherly tone. After some talk about the state of his boyhood at court, it came into my mind that the Queen of Sweden had been the mother of children whom the son, C[harles] XII, survived; and, after I spoke of the two daughters, and about their lot and state, her husband, Carl XI, came into her memory; wherefore they met, and acknowledged one another, and associated as husband and wife. This happened on the 22nd day of January, 1762.

Experientiae Spirituales 6019 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6019. 1

De Carolo XI et ejus regina

Cum eram in statu spiritus noctu, ductus sum a comite ad domum quandam, quae e ligno bene ordinata, et credidi esse [C. XI regina], sed tunc fuisse uxorem alicujus sacerdotis, sed usque erat sola absque marito, quae ibi habitabat, et cum intravi, vidi in tabula opus acupicturae ab illa, quod opus erat pulchrum, et tunc comes meus loquutus est cum illa, de quadam re communi, quae erat viciniae illius, de qua informabat eum, sed erat res talis quam non recolligere potui in statu naturali, erat propria status spiritualis; postea evigilatus, et cum illa loquutus in statu naturali, et dixi quod illuc deductus fuerim a Domino per comitem illum, propter malos spiritus, qui tempore somni me inquirunt, et tunc mihi insidiantur, et postea dixi, quinam esset, quod nempe Carol. XII, ad mentionem et ideam ejus, illa cognovit illum, quod fuisset ejus filius, et vocabat illum Carl tono materno, post aliquam loquelam de statu pueritiae ejus in aula, venit in mentem quod regina Sveriae fuerit mater liberorum, ex quibus solus C. XII superstes, et postquam de binis filiabus, et earum sorte et statu loquutus sum, in memoriam ejus venit maritus ejus Carl XI, quapropter convenerunt, et se mutuo agnoverunt, et se consociabant ut maritus et uxor; hoc factum 1762 die 22 Jan.


1. 6018 ocnformiter auctoris indiciis post 6015 insertum videas

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